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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. Bloody hell, What a great feedback. Some valid points there as well. I would presume that the skippers involved have the necessary validation as they frequently take juniors angling. A few of us have had the vetting done as part of shool trip chaperoning and Monday night comps. It will be mostly parents so I think we will be ok. I will however get clearance on this point. Pat and Chris Caines have a meeting this week so I will know a bit more later on. Regards. BB
  2. Adam, Thats great. Your help will be greatly appreciated, transport and angling wise. This is the sort of feedback we are looking for mate. The more ideas and methods thrown into the melting pot the better. Pat phoned me last night and there is another carrot being dangled. The top four anglers will be invited to fish in either the Weymouth 2 day species comp or against an international team. This is also free. We will try and make this in half term week. Regards, BB
  3. The upper age limit is to be discussed. It is 16 in our club but I dont see why it could not be 18. Charter skippers tend to be wary of weekend evening trips, probably because this is the busiest time for most. Plus they are offering their services for free midweek. I realise the difficulties with kids travelling to and fro on school nights, but once a month I am sure they would adapt. The finishing time could also be brought forward if necessary to 9pm. These are only ideas at the moment, nothing is set in stone regarding these proposals. All feedback is welcome. BB
  4. Hi Folks, In conjunction with Weymouth Angling Society, Mike de Beer of YYS International, and local skippers Pat Carlin, Chris Caines and Paul Whittal, I am organizing a boat league for under 16,s. These will be free trips, mid week and once a month. The idea is getting juniors interested in boat competition fishing and then hopefully progressing through the ranks to international level. There are not many young anglers available at this time so, along with current squad anglers, sponsors, Neil Bryant the current England manager and various others we want to get juniors involved. There is no lower age limit, but we need to be sensible. I would think around 9-10. I am emailing all local clubs, ie Poole, Swanage, Dorchester, Christchurch, Bridport, West Bay etc. All feedback from yourselves and interested juniors will be very welcome. As I have said the trips are all free and will be commencing around the end of March or early April. All trips will be weather permitting and 24hr notice will be available for cancellations. Please don,t hesitate to contact me as numbers need to be noted. More boats may be available if required. We intend holding a meeting at WAS around the end of February for any queries or information required. Kindest regards, BB
  5. What a great site that is PJ. I reckon even Rich could put his reels together now. BB
  6. Penn Tide Cutter. Had it for three years and fished up to a pound. One of the best actions I have ever seen and immense power in the bottom two thirds. Nice sensitive tip so ideal for braid. BB
  7. And from the BB,s. All the best
  8. How dare you cast aspertions on my little piccolo playing buddy, All the best for the festive season. BB
  9. Et Moi!
  10. boybilly

    New Mould

    Pikey!!! How dare you Sir? My lead is from legitimate sources I will have you know. In fact, if you do not come and get it all soon, it may get confiscated by the local gendarmerie.
  11. boybilly


    Did you hear about the dyslexic that went to a toga party dressed as a goat? BB
  12. Superb, Just goes to show what a good site this is. Congrats to all concerned. BB
  13. All that coaching Rich and Mark beat you? Too busy eating fry-ups I suppose.
  14. excellent one. Have to learn that one for kareoke.
  15. Hello Dave, How are you my man? Still cant get that smiling face out of my head, every time I open a fishing mag you are there with that lifeboat. Enjoy mate. BB
  16. One of Weymouths premier skippers that man, and an allround good egg to boot. Be alright for a couple of good marks now lads. Welcome Paul, BB
  17. Bob, Deepest commiserations on the sad news. Our thoughts are with you. May we live our lives so that when we pass away, even the undertaker sheds a tear. The BB,s
  18. Rich aint at work, he,s at my house eating all my bacon and egg butties, finishing of my tea bags, nosying about in my fishing shed and pinching seafood out of my fridge whilst pretending to dig out my conifers. Only joking Rich, thanks for that mate, much appreciated. Good luck in the quiz and see you Friday. BB
  19. Welcome, Welcome. The BB,s
  20. boybilly

    Lazy Baits

    Ok chaps, test results so far. ISAC comp on the beach was cancelled after 80 mins due to excessive weed pulling the rods over, no lazy lug used. Sunday at the WAS comp. Changed to a rover due to adverse weather conditions, most went wrassing at Cheyne, no lazy lug used. Monday night at the kiddies comp on the Pleasure Pier. Prior to the comp starting I popped a float out to see if any Gar were in evidence, plenty of small pollack and bream on gar strip. Ant Buick turned up with some of the fabled Lazy Lug, so I baited my float rig with a small worm. Smells like formaldehyde, but caught two small pollack and a bream in 5 minutes. Then set up a 3 hook comp rig and baited them all with lazy lug. Bites straight away and caught wrasse, pollack and pout. Then baited bottom hook with lug and other two with rag, pout on bottom hook. Middle hook with lug next drop, double shot of pout, bottom hook and middle hook. Conclusion: It certainly works for the tiddlers on the pier. Whether it works for lager fish I dont know but I now have a tub to try from the boat. I am keeping an open mind at the moment. I will report when completed. BB
  21. boybilly

    Lazy Baits

    As we speak there are four local anglers trying these in the WAS shore comp today. I will keep you informed as to their success. BB.
  22. A Very Happy Birthday To You. Have a great day. The BB,s
  23. Try PURE in Poole, they are pretty good. BB
  24. It will be a pleasure to give you a quote as long as you are not too far away Mike. BB
  25. Sorry James, belated birthday wishes mate, busy, busy with YYS this week. BB,s
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