Les L.
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Everything posted by Les L.
Thanks for the link Adam, have been meaning to get one since i say them installed on " Shogun" last week, Rob T. replaced his igloos with them and is very pleased. Btw if you ring to order and say you heard by word of mouth they will waive P + P
defra announced today this wont come into force in april. More study needed apparantly on the likely increased discards from netters if it goes to 40cm
Thanks Peter, I ll call him tomorrow . possibly Adam but early days yet
Need an old diesel surveyed - any recommendations in the area please ( boat's in Weymouth ) ?
Maybe weight also argues in favour of 2 stroke aux - i got 60hp on Warrior 165, fine when i got it but as I slowly added stuff - baitwell being single heaviest item and me and regular crew got fatter its getting harder to get the boat onto the plane. Also at speed in a chop I ve found the aux can bounce around a fair bit if its mounted high like mine, another argument for a lighter 2 stroke. Seem to remember few threads in past about steering the aux - some use an extension handle, others use the main engine so the port v starboard positioning not so important
Echo Terry,useful course, thanks for organizing Martin Les
Mike, Met a guy once who trolled for bass with joeys with some success-he swore by metal cored line, wonder if that might solve the problem of keeping them away from the birds yet out of the weed ? Les
Sorry My Webpage
The summary of survey responses is interesting..and good to see so many club member names as survey participants at the bottom http//www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/bass-mls/responses-summary.pdf
Story and picture in todays Sun of a 58 il swordfish netted off the Nortuberland Coast
Bob,Kam, Nonono, I described it badly.Attached to the sliding top swivel is a 4 inch rotton bottom and the weight.So its basically a ledger rig with a rotton bottom so that in a bottom snag you loose the weight and can retie quickly.No beads or crimps, rig is as simple as possible so that if its all lost at the end of a drift it can be retied in the 2 or 3 minutes it takes to motor up to the start of the next drift. TBH dont know why the trace is split with a swivel given the simplicity idea - I ve tried it without but the but doesnt fish as well. Les
Quite possibly Tom, not well up on all the various names.It was the rig we used on the commercial boat i worked on a few years ago. Les
one more flavour I also use 3 swivels but top swivel slides up and down main line with about 4 inches of rotton bottom attached to weight.Second swivel stops first swivel and third swivel splits a flowing trace Les
Great info, thanks to everyone who replied
Swivel was new. If theres no braid below the float whats the advantage in using it over mono ? Puzzled Les
Tried float fishing for bass for the first time on Friday.First attempt rigging up led to the unforseen problem that my braid/mono leader knot stopped my bead before it reached my bead stop. Re rigging i tied my braid directly to the swivel above my trace, protecting the breaid knot from chaffing with a bead.Had never tied braid to a swivel before so was guessing on the knot to use, but seemed to hold ok when tested. Hooked a fish but whilst playing it the braid broke, presumably at the swivel. So 4 questions 1. Is braid to swivel ok ? 2. If so whats the best knot ? 3. Fluoro or braid for the trace itself ? 4. Does the braid colour matter on a bright day in 25 foot ? Cheers Les
Very well done Aquafresh, what a fish Just want to tell everyone about a small act of kindness that speaks volumes.Got to the same mark that they were fishing with just bottom bouncing tackle on the boat.Have never much liked it because I genarally loose a lot of tackle on it but plan was to fish it until we lost two sets of tackle each. 30 minutes later that time had come, with no fish. I had never met Rupert or Al , but i was flying the club pennant so i guess they recognized another club boat and spontaneously offered tp throw over a couple of floats ( which i foolishlessly declined since i wanted to show my crew, who had never fished the area the banks a few miles away - a decision i regretted when i got there and the swells made the fishing pretty uncomfortable ) What a contrast to the behaviour of a certain charter skipper who thinks the mark is his and who i saw almost ram James on the mark last year.Al and Rupert, you are a credit to the club and the sport Les
Yes caught out by the thunderstorm on the way to the island after fishing the morning on the ledge. Turned tail back to wick but the worst of it caught us couple miles from the run,visibility was very poor. Prior to that had one nice bass on the ledge, 7 lb ish. Les
thanks again guys Purchased from Mac Batteries ( 85 amp / 46 quid inlcluding delivery by tommorrow-as KK said very helpful company when i rang ) just after i read Kams post but before reading Martins - so paid a little over the odds but at least wont be wasting valuable fishing time on Saturday morning collecting it
Thanks guys Does the ampage on the new battery need to be the same as the ampage on the second battery it sits next to, and if so anyone, know what they factory fit in Warriors? Les
Can someone point me in the right direction locally for a new marine battery for my Warrior ? Thanks Les
Was supposed to be the first bass trip of the year but the blowy SEly was going to make the trip out to the banks too uncomfortable so plan B was to fish for bream at southborne. Footie and the wind meant there was just one charter boat at southborne rough, bream obliged steadily throughout the session. Back in London now ,run out of brownie points so fingers crossed for kinder winds at the next weekend springs