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Everything posted by corky

  1. spent this evening in the shed preparing special super stinky baits currently crossing fingers,toes,legs,arms and other bits......
  2. corky

    raider 16

    I have a raider 16 and would be glad to offer any advice I can. I have sent you a pm with phone number incase you want a chat about them. In theory a 50hp is adequate if your fishing 2 up, If as I do occasionaly you carry 3 (four is possible but a bit crowded and stretching safety) plus loads of gear you might be better thinking of a 60 or 70 hp engine so it doesnt have to work quite as hard. I use a 70hp and it will still plane without too much bother carrying three and a load of gear. chris
  3. corky


    Q.What do you call a chav in the jobcentre ? A. lost Q. Why was the chav staring at an orange juice carton ? A. It said concentrate on it Q. Whats the difference between a chav and a coconut ? A. Ones thick and hairy, the other is a coconut sorry folks
  4. Looks like I have crew now in the shape of Clive - AKA codless. Really looking forward to fishing somewhere completley different !
  5. codless would be more than welcome as Im hoping to catch rays ! Anyone who is interested please send me a pm with your phone number. chris
  6. I've been working hard to get out of family comitment on Sunday and now officialy have permision to do what I like I would like to offer a place to any club member wishing to accompany me on Stargazer - preferably someone with half a clue so we might be in with a chance of catching something !
  7. Ok gentlemen keep it clean ....
  8. corky


    Hi Richard and welcome aboard !!
  9. Got it working this morning ! Long story cut short I had made two errors, firstly I hadnt correctly turned on the NMEA in the radios menu and also as Paul suggested my assumption of red not being earth was also wrong !! Never seen a red earth before but there you go.... Thanks to everyone who replied with suggestions and especially Gordon, Bob F and Ahoy who all offered to take time out and come and help. Nice to find when you need a bit of help in this club you end up with more offers than you could shake a stick at Good luck to all who fish tomorow. chris
  10. Paul I did try this configuration however I may not have been selecting the correct data format at the time. I took the boat back to the compound an hour ago to avoid the FPO becoming unsettled due to total lack of contact My current plan is to try your suggestion after work tomorow........
  11. Duncan could be on to something here which brings me to my next dumb ass question. How do I register for my MMSI number and can I do this online ??
  12. Brian please peruse the following data formats my Garmin is showing and advise which to use. I think I have tried all the possibilities containing the NMEA but possibly not all wiring options in each. The list in my format menu is as follows and is written exactly as it appears. Garmin Data Transfer (think this one is for my pc) Garmin DGPS Garmin Remote Sonar (worked out for myself this ones unlikley ) NMEA In/NMEA Out RTCM IN RTCM IN/NMEA Out ( I dont think I tried this one) RTCM IN/TEXT Out TEXT OUT (got a mobile for this) NONE Just out of interest what does RTCM stand for ? thanks chris
  13. Thanks for the hints guys - I have checked and the NMEA is definatley turned on, the Baud is set at 4800 but when I ask it to scan I keep getting the check wiring message. There seems to be a conflict as to how to wire the data cable - the garmin gps manual tells me its yellow data wire is com 1 input and has a diagram showing the vhf should also be earthed to black ( I assume this is the brown data lead from the vhf as there is no black data lead )This appears to be in addition to the black and red power leads. The manual with the vhf however tells me its data cable brown lead is + and the red is - Now does the + represent data in or data out ??? doesnt tell me that anywhere.... Hoping that Gordon may be able to make sense of it on Sat.
  14. Thanks Bob, good of you to offer to help....
  15. Hi gordon, yes I have messed about with the coms tab but working in the dark a bit. Your offer of help is appreciated - I live in Hamworthy but would gladly bring the boat to you if you had time to have a look. thanks chris
  16. I recently bought a new m-tech dsc vhf from piplers and am having a few problems with the fitting. I have wired the radio up and everything is working as it should as far as transmit and recieve goes anyway ! The problem I am having is it doesnt recieve GPS co-ordinates from my garmin 276c ? I have wired everything as best I can understand from the two different manuals and even tried a couple of swap rounds but still nothing ! Would appreciate any advise from anyone who knows anything about boat electrics or advise on who to take it to ?? chris
  17. Oh well, best foot forward and smile for the camera. Good job I got my red survival suit on or I might have looked like a complete amateur !
  18. Thanks Dan, mine is a carb model so what your telling me is it cost me
  19. Try speaking to Extreme Marine in southampton if your thinking tohatsu, I was impressed by the service I got last year when I bought a new tohatsu 60 from them (07967023610). They can still source 2006 spec 2 stroke motors that are brand new and very reasonable. I see he is selling a new 70hp on boatsandoutboards.com at
  20. corky

    Sunday Mk2

    no problem charlie if you pm me your email I will sent the three pics I have ( I cant find a way of attaching through the site email - or am I just a plonker ??) chris
  21. corky

    Sunday Mk2

    Have the Needles shrunk ???
  22. corky


    hi steve and hi simon. welcome aboard................ chris
  23. Hi steve and welcome aboard the very friendly and informative PBSBAC forum. Good luck with your self employed welding venture - for sure some members (probably including me !) may ask for your help ! Next time im short of crew will send you a message to join me on Stargazer if you like.... Oh and good luck finding a boat, ask these guys before you buy as they have a wealth of boating knowledge and experience chris
  24. corky

    Fake Bait

    funnily enough they make a lure that looks like a mouse ( actualy is probably supposed to be a water vole !). I think its used for pike... A real live one would be a touch un-ethical..
  25. The only good point to come out of this sorry tale is how little the fish made at market - this shows without doubt how the perceptions of uk buyers have changed and that demand for shark meat (in the uk at least) is at an all time low ! Good news for our toothy friends...... real shame though that a fish decades old was killed unessesarily. I would try to cheer people up by pointing out how few chefs and establishments on the south coast will ask us to source shark for them - in the last year I've maybe been asked twice for it and on both occasions from chefs who had spent time working in South Africa... Was easy to say no as we have a policy not to buy anything considered endangered (Atlantic Swordfish/ Mediteranian Bluefin/Shark etc etc). Truth is in the market place people are starting to care ! Just to re-enforce this only last week I nearly fell over in an appointment with a local chip shop chain who actualy want to promote the sale of fish (and not cod !) from sustainable managed fisheries... thats a first and I hope it works for them. Things are changing - not as fast as many would like but its happening
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