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Everything posted by corky

  1. The Baileys are a well known fishing family in poole, well known for spending alot of time in the pub ! Sounds to me like a story old man Bailey would tell to a tourist or the like just for a laugh and a wind up. However in defence of the accuracy of the story cockle fishing from a boat in the harbour is something they definatley do well. Imagine a basket made from wire on a long pole that you drag through soft mud (needs alot of strengh so never offer to armwrestle a Bailey) and bear in mind the water is only two or three feet deep on a lot of cockle beds in the harbour. Its traditionaly how it used to be done !
  2. would love to join you on sat paul but have prior arrangment to take her out for a meal However I plan to take Stargazer out fri early evening and head for kimeridge in the hope of shelter and of course a snake or two ! Would be great if you could accompany us ?
  3. Adam if its any help I have probably got the full honda workshop manual for your outboard if its a relativley new 4 stroke (post 1999) and could print you a copy and send to you, just let me know the model and year. Doing the replacment of the head isnt actualy that scary a job if youve got a decent set of plans, a bit of time and half an idea how it all works its not beyond anyone with a bit of mechanical ability. Sourcing a second hand head or having the origional repaired will be the hard bit, assuming you sort this its just a case of strip down and replace using new gaskets followed by a full flush to make sure you get rid of any salt water left in the crankcase. Good luck.
  4. corky


    100% sure you were in the right place, they have only moved to that unit recently - its the one on the right as you face the main m&j bulding, the boat cut in half is right next to their office door. They havnt put any signage up yet and I didnt see anyone there at all today. Your right it does look like the building up for rent and unused. I get the impresion they used to be a bigger firm but something went wrong as it is only ever the owner and his son who are there. I have talked to them a few times and they made me an extension ramp for my motorcycle trailer a couple of weeks ago. The owner either drives a shabby white transit or some kind of silver bmw coupe. If you are having big problems send me a personal message with your mobile and I will text you next time they are there ok ?
  5. corky


    paul , if the address you have is for brook road industrial estate its not a dud mate, I work for M&j seafoods accross from cann trailers. They dont seem to keep very regular hours and have hardly seen them at all this week. If you saw half a boat upside down outside then you were in the right place. Dont panick that they have ripped you off I think they are just badly organised and work when it suits them !!
  6. corky


    thanks for yor reply dom, let me know if your out over the weekend and daz and i will try to meet you for the buddy thing cheers
  7. corky


    hi james good to get a reply from you, gotta work tomorow and monday but i hope to get out sat and sun weather permiting. I guess you'l be doing the family stuff ? what i could really do with is a couple of conger marks for the gps - xchurch ledge way would be fine as i can get to it in about 30 mins in good weather and hope to do sat night out that way ? send via txt if they are top secret !! good luck tomorow mate corky
  8. corky


    hi everyone, have been a keen freshwater fisherman since childhood and have just bought a raider 16 to have a go for something decent, only problem is i havnt a clue and seem to be only able to pull in the pout ! had some whopers mind - one must of been nearly a lb ! tasted like shit though ? Also need some advice for my mate daz who just joined too, everytime we go go out he chunders for england every 30 mins - I have tried forcing beer down his loud scotish gullet but it seems to make him worse ??? He did however catch a decent cuckoo wrasse on poole rocks but we had no idea it was a specimen at the time - said oooo thats pretty and put it back. Was at least 1.5lb - must of been all the ground baiting he does ! look forward to meeting some of you at september meeting and would appreciate any advice on good marks and technique.thanks.
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