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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sam

  1. thanks im glad you liked the leaflet it took me long enough, here is a pic with the leaflet in the holder sam
  2. had a great time last night it was alot of fun i think mum and dad are feeling a little delicate adam my venison was beautiful cooked really well matt ill buy you some chips to shut you up sam
  3. if you go in 2007 i would definately be interested and i would be working by den and i still wouldnt have to worry about beer prices. and i will be in sixth form and get 10 week holidays through the summer sam
  4. i will be up to crew on the weekend after as thats the week after my graphics coursework is handed in and it would be nice to celebrate. sam
  5. happy birthday dean
  6. nah the boats covered in snow and have just finished putting the scaffholding up with rich, just been making some steps for the boat and i was really happy as i did most of it on my own and it only has taken me 2 days, its proberly the best thing i have made and it even turned out level. just tacked the dash back into place after having it out and cant stop itching from the fibreglass sam
  7. Sam


    the beach in new zealand were they were testing the anchors i have walked along and played footy on. you would never believe that you only had to go 3 miles out to catch marlin sam
  8. Ifish is my favourite the two lads in that are funny and i love on the edge he takes his fishing so seriously and he fishes were we fish. the worst one has got to be mainstream with matt hayes because he spends more time looking in the villages than he does fishing and when he does it is for fish the size of your finger. my favourite presenters are the guys from Ifish they are so funny, and rex hunt just makes me laugh how nuts he is. the person i dont like is john wilson i just find him annoying but i do like the kind of fishing he does because it is always a bit of both and dont like the ones were they just spend the whole show in a river and catch one fish. sam
  9. Sam

    Hello To All

    welcome andy enjoy the website and everything else the club offers sam
  10. Sam

    Cutting In Front

    what a nutcase maybe he just wanted a new boat the person on the front of the yacht didnt even move when they got hit sam
  11. Sam

    Its Here

    i cant wait to get her fishing and i cant wait to learn a few things doing it, and the good thing is 2 of my friends have already offered to help sam
  12. it is a bit confusing but if you look at it bit by bit it is quite straight forward sam
  13. nice ray paul what sort of speeds were you cruising at then warp factor 6 sam
  14. ok i have a spinning rod and reel so thats no prob sam
  15. sighned
  16. actually dad i knew before you sam
  17. hi rich looks good what type of rods should i bring because i never really done any course fishing apart from a bit in wales sam
  18. Sam

    Etec Arrives

    looking good paul cant wait till burnham to see what she can do sam
  19. happy birthday martin let all your fish be big ones sam
  20. Sam

    Magic Frog

    sorry adam i didnt right it i copied it from an email here it is edited into english 1 day there was a magic frog walking in the forest when he came across a bear chasing a rabbit he was in such a good mood that the frog decided 2 give the bear and the rabbit 3 wishes each. The bear being the male decided 2 go 1st and says
  21. Sam

    Magic Frog

    1 day thr wz a magic frog wlkin in the forest wen he came across a bear chasing a rabbit he wz in such a gd mood tht the frog decided 2 gve the bear + the rabbit 3 wishes each. The bear being the male decided 2 go 1st and says
  22. happy birthday have a great time sam
  23. paul im up for it, will prob be next time i go fishing as the boat is coming friday sam
  24. do we have to pay for you autograph or do we get it for free good luck tom hope it goes well sam
  25. Sam

    Over The Limit

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