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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Sam

  1. better than our day headed out mid afternoon to the banks and had a few dogfish, pout and a whiting hoping the fishing would pick up. about half an hour later was winding in something like a pout and something took a fancy too it and grabbed it and headed for the bottom leaving me with a screaming reel and no chance of stopping it. about 2 minutes the line parted gutted proberly a conger went very quite for the rest of the day intil just after dark when dad wound in a conger for it to let go on the surface and all was left was a well mangled pout. a lovely day to be out but shame about the fishing sam
  2. when do i get my nice cod then whens it my turn sam
  3. Sam

    Massive Bass

    this bass was caught of the channel islands by a netter. it weighs 29lb's sam
  4. happy birthday sam
  5. Sam


    try salterns marina they do cheap lettering. sam
  6. its a tough choice martin, i would need a long landing net to get them up. sam
  7. i love it sam
  8. Sam

    Hello All

    hi tom were thinking of changing our new boat to an offshore 30 do you get many offshores or are they two big. sam
  9. at least your travelling back in style then sam
  10. Sam


    i wear fingerless gloves in the winter its surprising how well they work and does not make any difference when tying nots or reeling in. sam
  11. Sam

    Uk Small-ads

  12. Sam


    welcome tom enjoy the website. sam
  13. Sam

    Watch This

    i bet they would jack but after watching it i think i will stick to the navy. sam
  14. Sam

    Watch This

    i have seen that a couple of times now and they are bonkers, last week one of the boats sank and only one guy was saved. sam
  15. kam just eat it raw i ate a fish eye for a fiver once and it tasted surprisingly nice it took me ages to get that fiver out of dad. sam
  16. well done james sam
  17. looks like i got all that to look forward to when i join the navy i can wait to do the sinking ship exercise it looks fun [ proberly not when your actually sinking] sam
  18. tomorrows competiton is cancelled due to poor weather conditions
  19. in New Zealand dogfish are called lemon fish and they taste great along with gurnard, because they dont get many cod over there they use gurnard and dogfish alot i think it tastes lovely it is probably better to take home a few dogfish than a cod if caught too let the number of cod in the sea increase again. on the side of skinning, when out fishing with matt on bliss 2 dean caught a double figure bullhuss and dad made skinning it look very easy im starting to sound more and more like dad sam ps rich i would rather put back a big fish than have it killed just to be weighed i even put back a ray in burnham that could have one me some money, i must be mad.
  20. it is possible if you have a big enough bait tank to put it in and keep saltwater running through it, it will be fine. in our boat there is hold in the floor which dad has had loads of congers in and you can manage to keep them alive if you fill it with water every now and again. since i have been competing in the november comp i have seen dad wrestle with a few lively conger and its never been a problem they have always swam away from baiter without a problem. but please dont kill it unless your going to use it one of my friends kills all his conger just to show his mum and they go in the bin ( lets just say he aint much of a friend anymore) sam
  21. rich neil wanted to put it back but because it was so rough they couldnt get an accurate reading on the scales and with a fish that size everyone wants to know the exact weight sam
  22. humphrey was out that day and all he had was doggies and a bass but his bass was 12lb 4oz sam
  23. Sam

    How Far Can

    this is one thing i can beat james in sam
  24. Sam

    How Far Can

    very funny what else do you expect me to do in spanish its all foreign to me sam
  25. Sam

    How Far Can

    i play that game at school all the time i got 2000 sam
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