that was daniel with his conger they wouldnt include it because it was on a gaff but still alive but they include fish that are as dead as a dodo
it also happened with my 3 rays they said it looked bad because they were all on the floor what do they expect i just caught 3 in a row non stop im bound to a bit tired and i was only 12.
got up early to meet matt down in the fishermans dock for 7.30 and then off out the harbour in search of a bass.
stopped on the way to pick up bait plenty of mackeral and lovely sized scad and i even caught a bass on feathers.
it was then a 2 hour steam past isle of wight to our first mark, soon as we arrived baits were in the water me and dean fishing live scad and matt and fred fishing shads.first fish to me 3lb 140z dean also catching one moments later both returned alive.
as the tide slackened we put down fillets of mackeral after hearing reports of turbot, we were getting plenty of big bites but just werent taking the hook, as the tide picked up we moved closer in.
set up for our first drift next to shiela marie and dean had a bass first drift we had a slow stream after this of bass, i decided to put on a stormy sandeel seen as we were running out of live bait and managed to catch a lovely sized gurnard.
at 5.00 we were making our way back in and were back in the fishermans dock for 6.30
final tally me 4 bass 1 gurnard biggest 3lb 14oz
a lovely day out on a lovely boat cant wait till next time.
thanks again matt