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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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At the beginning of the school holidays I promised to take Thomas, my 9 yr old grandson fishing. Well time flies and last Sunday he reminded me that it was back to school on Friday.

He's fished on the beach with me several times and caught Wrasse, he also caught the first ever fish aboard MegaByte, an under size bass, but he's never caught something he could eat, so that was the challenge.

The problem was I didn't feel I could take him out on MegaByte on my own, as I wouldn't be able to give him 100% attention. As luck would have it Derek (Sea Sparkle) came to the rescue, he wanted to go out on Thursday but didn't have crew, when I told Thomas we were going fishing on Derek's boat his reply was, "that's good, he catches fish on his".

Thomas and I met Derek in the car park at Parkstone Bay Marina as we put everything on board the chap turned up to launch us. By the time we walked to the pontoon the boat was being lowered in, we took the lines and within minutes were underway (what a convenient way to go boating).

As soon as we reached the North Channel, Derek let Thomas take the wheel and under Derek's supervision he took us out as far as Sandbanks, where Derek took over and we headed to "Derek's Mackerel Mark".

It wasn't long before Thomas had his first Mackerel, ending up with about 14. It was then back into the harbour to "Derek's Plaice Mark", we picked up a buoy and all three of us started fishing, Derek said, "we won't get anything until about 12:45", at about 12:50 Thomas's rod started to twitch, five minutes later he landed his first Plaice. That was it for the rest of the day, Derek and I were outfished by a 9 year old.

We were back in the marina, boat out, unloaded and cleaned by 15:00. Then home to cook the plaice for Thomas' tea.

A very successfull day, to quote The 'A' Team, "I like it when a plan comes together".

Thanks again Derek


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I got this story first hand at the club meeting last night but couldn't resist to say " well done Thomas" ........ and s'pose I have to say nice one Derek and Brian too !!


Enjoy ur holiday Brian


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Posted (edited)

My daughter and son-in-law asked Thomas where he caught the fish, all they could get out of him was "That's classified information".

I think I'll have to enrol him in the club before long.

Edited by Brian
"Derek's Plaice Mark" Looks VERY close to my Bream mark  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif

I'm not surprised, Derek sometimes refers to it as his Bream Mark!!!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Looks very close to one of my many " Blanking " Marks. laugh.gif


Fished that area alot this year and I reckon with the type of topography under the water in that general area, 1 buoy off could have you either on or off the fish.


Have been there catching plenty whilst boats very close to us have come up with nothing at all.


Nicely done with the fish by the way smile.gif

Posted (edited)

I think I should put my rods on Ebay!!! Or stop taking Thomas fishing!

We had a couple of hours at Evening Hill.

Thomas 1, Granddad 0.

He caught a nice flounder. laugh.giflaugh.gif


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Edited by Brian

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