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this is just out of interest.

who carries a spare set up and is it the same as your main one.

my main set up is 7.5kg


i carry a spare that is 5kg plus chain and about 60 mtrs of rope for my 18ft boat.

we have never needed the anchor but did need the spare stainless ring and buoy when the main one came undone whilst cod fishing a couple of years ago.


cheers andy


Hi Andy,


I carry a spare set up only only the anchor is 7.5 kg anchor, where as normaly I use a 5kg for my Pirate 21 which is more than adequate.




my 'spare' onboard (I have a fair few anchors back at base) is the same except for the length of rode.


Of the South Coast I consider 100m appropriate to the safety function my onboard spare is designed to fulfill.


Whilst this may seem longer than necessary the problem is that in the event of an engine failure the boat is going to be drifting, potentially at speed, when I need to deploy (am heading for rocks) so although the depth is unlikely to exceed 12m I feel more comfortable with the additional scope.


I going to buck the trend here...


I havent carried a spare on JV all year. My main set up is a 7.5kg, the spare was a 5kg - which I have used and can hold the boat reasonably well.


My issue was one of weight - yes even on a bigger boat like JV, I found that I'd started doubling up on everything and it was getting silly. I took the spare off when we went to Alderney as I thought one of the others who have a spare worst case scenario.


If I ever lost an anchor I'd just come home, pick up a pot buoy or fish on the drift. If I was going specifically for a day's anchor fishing I'll pop the spare back on (eg congering)


What I do carry, and a few of you have said you dont bother - is a fully working spare Alderney ring set-up - I have needed it and leant it to others several times over the years.


Just my thoughts on it.

Which reminds me Adam I still have a spare ring piece of yours "Jim behave"



" Give me a Ring some time " BIG BOY biggrin.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif




Which reminds me Adam I still have a spare ring piece of yours "Jim behave"



" Give me a Ring some time " BIG BOY biggrin.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

OK old fella laugh.gif


You really should learn not to bite tongue.gif however your just like me, oldish and an easy pull ph34r.gif it's nearly as much fun as fishing for fish laugh.gif





I carry a 5Kg spare on JoJo - ready a rigged and sat in the outboard well.


I have it there as I have used it to anchor both forward and aft when in one of those swinging situations when you are in shallow water with a little tide and annoying wind.


I thought I would leave it at the back as I didnt want the weight up the front.


Though it does not have chain on it - which is something I need to address.




I have a 7.5 kilo main anchor


but have a 5kg anchor attached to the windlass at front of boat

for anchoring in shallow water

or as a back up in the event of the main one getting lost

each has 10m of 8mm chain attached


But no spare rings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I carry a spare 15kg Bruce copy


This is the anchor that is for the windlas, but not left on the bow as we are usually on a swinging mooring.


I have 100m of warp and calibrated chain on the windlas, and a bow shackle to stop it all disapearing below deck.



The main anchor and chain is stored in the cockpit, and deployed /recovered there.



so if I lost one I could either rig and use the windlas, or simply transfer it to the cockpit.


I would not be happy going out without two onboard. but I appreciate not all can carry the weight or have space.



Which reminds me Adam I still have a spare ring piece of yours "Jim behave"



" Give me a Ring some time " BIG BOY biggrin.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif

OK old fella laugh.gif


You really should learn not to bite tongue.gif however your just like me, oldish and an easy pull ph34r.gif it's nearly as much fun as fishing for fish laugh.gif



That's right Martin.

I'm like an old clockwork toy - - - - -easy to wind up.


Anyway - - - as Chairman, can't you pull a few strings at the BBC and get us some better weather. They keep giving us Crap ! ! ! laugh.gif




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