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Posted (edited)

The Police came around to investigate and something that was said about being targeted specifically for the boat / fishing gear made me wonder!


I have an old fishing boat - an Islander 21 - which is stored at my mates farm in Wareham.


Well it's not there anymore!


He has been away for a few weeks and it's gone! He thought I had brought it back home to complete it's annual spruce up - but I hadn't.


It has lived out there over the last 6 or 7 years quite happily, is on a hard standing and out of sight. However, a lot of building works have been going on nearby lately.


I suspect I may have left some old manuals / papers etc which may have my home address written on them - funny how the boat keys were also taken from my garage.


Just not my weekend! Bugger again!!!

Edited by Neal

Hi Neal,

This is going from bad to worse...I agree with you that both seem linked, and if so, you might be dealing with specialists.


Just a quick check - is there any chance they might have keys for Court Jester as well - or taken anything that indicates you own that too? You might need extra padlocks etc if so!


Is there any chance they have copies of keys to the garage, so that when you eventually replace the gear, they'll know where to come for some new stuff?


Just a couple of suggestions, and I really hope for you there is no more instances of this!





Name or Home address on an (almost) empty boat - probably equals boaty bits at home!


everything else a bonus!


Has anyone else got paperwork on their boat with personal details -I know I have on the new boat. Bill of sale etc for travelling across the channel - not any more I haven't!


I'm sure me being away was coincidence - anyway I would most likely not have heard anything anyway- Bloody dog didn't.


I would hate to think that someone I knew was responsible for this - not even going there.




whilst this answers the question 'why were you targeted?' it does widen the target for us (the clan!) to search for.


do you have visible data on the boat?


I'm also sorry for your losses; I finally got to the point where I just accepted it about 4 years ago. Part of it was 'why me?' and a, bigger, part was the sheer waste of many of the incidents (instrument panel smashed to get at the ignition unit so they could 'hot wire it' - I will leave the brighter elements to realise the true stupidity as this is an open forum.


Add in the damage elements and you really can't treat you boat as a 'loved one' without going mad (or never leaving the back garden!)


Neal, get a small camera rigged up in the garage buddy. Also, consider linking it to the computer, so the recordings are stored.

If they think you have replaced stolen gear with an insurance claim, there is a possiblity they will return.

As stated, there is a remort possibility that garage lock may be compromised. Change the barrel. Cheap enough to do, and gives peace of mind coupled with the camera.

Any new gear, take an endplate off clean it of grease, and put a mark on it with either yours or your wives nail varnish, this will give an identifyable mak should property be recovered. Id also suggest all club members do this, as the old bill......well....any worth their salt....will ask you for identifying features of your stolen kit.

I accept that this is all post horse bolted, but a few measures put in place could catch a determind burglar.

I can also give you the phone number a good buddy who is ex hereford hooligans, and he would be very happy to help.


If I can help buddy, shout. Rich

Neal, I can't believe it the bast**ds. I feel for you! The camera certainly sounds like good advice. Hope they catch them and chop their balls off!

Yep, and the people who knowingly buy the stolen goods.







So sorry to here all this! Gutted for you!


An idea though.


Have a look for Guard lights

They are PIR. have sesitivity setup a good res. camera shots whenever triggered for either stills or video has an alarm facility to pi55 them off or warm you. HDSD card to record but recycles old data continuously so never runs out.


Neal So sorry to hear about this, I heard today about the reels and now this, Bastards indeed.


Quite possible that they are linked, and one led to the other


We had simular years ago when on holiday just after building works, I do not think it was connected to our builder, but may have been linked to him talking in the pub that he had to leave the site while we were on holiday.


I still have some of those marking kits at work, I think I will invest




I'm sorry to read of your woes and I hope that you are insured for your losses.


If it is any consolation, 4 years ago I had my boat stripped of about

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