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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

Hi lads , my new warrior 165 has a trailing cover and a half cannopy.I still get leaves and bits falling onto the cuddy and sides.I would like to buy a full cover that goes right over the whole thing as I polish it one day and its got crap all over it the next.Ive seen some on ebay that might do the job but if they are not big enough to cover cuddy and over the rubber edging it could be a total waste of money.Anybody with some experience and advice please help.



Thanks in anticipation Johnnyb.

Edited by johnnyb.

I have bought plenty of those off ebay and they are pretty naff. I have recently had one made specifically for my boat and it is top notch .... no more leaves, water or anything and it keeps the inside spotless.

Posted (edited)

yes thanks Graham ,I bought some cheap tarpaulings for my old boat but the sun just seems to disolve them.I suprised warriors dont make one for it, Im sure it would be a seller without a doubt ..think Ill send them an email....

Edited by johnnyb.


Give Neil Snow a call on the number bellow.


South and West Marine,

Daytime and Workshop 07890 570 003

The Canvas Loft, Unit 10, Torbay Road Trading Estate,


Castle Cary, Somerset. BA7 7DT

Website: www.boatcoversuk.com


Landline/fax: 01749 830 554


Canvas Protective Products for Land and Sea



I had a full cover made for my Orkney 520 and he made a superb job.



Mikey B




I may be interested at the right price.

Small Fry spends a lot of time on the drive Y'Know.


( so Dave will say I need a special one with holes for the pot plants )

Posted (edited)

It looks as though a Carport is the answer, except it would have to be fairly high.


Although in Jim's case a greenhouse might be better!!!!!!!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by Brian

I really don't see how an all over cover will destroy the windows?? unsure.gif


I have an all-over cover on my boat. It's not a Warrior, but it has perspex windows and if anything the cover is protecting them from UV and frost...


It has 'felt' in some places on the inside of the cover for extra protection. Perhaps something similar could be done for the fragile Warrior windows? rolleyes.gif


I'd say give Wayne a call at Cut N Cover and see what he says.


I think Ill send Warriors another email and try to get some clarification.It doesn,t seem to make much sense to me.But why are some of our members replacing their windows on Warriors??


Someone somewhere must know the answer.....


I think all plastic/perspex windows degrade over time. They go cloudy and/or crazed due to UV and general exposure to the elements. The rate of deterioration depends on the exact type of plastic/perspex used, there are pros and cons to each grade- some don't bend well, some aren't very scratch resistant some aren't very UV resistant. The ones that are 'everything resistant' and bend well are more expensive!

I guess there could be some kind of reaction between perspex and other grades of plastic, such as those used in tarpaulins, if they are left in direct contact? Still seems a bit unlikely to me though...

A lot of people 'upgrade' to polycarbonate windows once their original ones get too cloudy to see through.

  charlieannear said:

I'd say give Wayne a call at Cut N Cover and see what he says.

that gets my vote too.


I am sure if you wanted an all over cover he could easily find some way of keeping the material off the windows. It is surely better than them being hit by UV rays all day.


WellI got back to warriors and asked them to clarify why the windows were being damaged and this was the reply....


Its mainly wind chaffing that takes off the protective uv coating off the window maybe felt lining would help[ we just recommend you don

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