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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With the wind like it was last night our thoughts were for Boblin out on her mooring.This morning Bobi went off to work and I was off to check out Boblin and make sure all was ok. I took my time a late breakfast and was just about to head down to North Haven when the phone went, it was Bobi asking me to ring the insurance company. Not the boat but the car !! A tree fell on top of it in the car park. Thankfully Bobi was not in the car. Just hope the damage isn't terminal, roof, side panel and rear hatch.


Great start to 2012 eh?



Still the main thing is the boat is ok. wink.gif





A write off..............oooooooooooh shopping time biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Merc? BMW? Ferrari? Colin won't mind..... mad.gif Not if he loooooves u






Glad you're OK Bobi.

If you'd been in it you'd have thought " Bloody Jim's sitting on Me again " wink.gif




It's just a bit of metal, so not to worry eh.





What I do in this kind of weather Col is look at the EDSC webcam HERE.

You can pan and zoom the camera yourself, Boblin is visible to it as is the Lazy wench.


Glad no one was hurt in the tree incident!

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