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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As a boat fisherman I am often disgusted at the crap that some shore fishermen leave on the beaches for someone else to clear up for them.


Today I was walking my 3 dogs along Holes Bay Road in Poole Harbour and although I always try to keep my dogs away from the path and seats that the fishermen use because there is normally so much of their crap lying about that my dogs like to sniff through. Today one of my dogs found a complete 3 hook rig on the grass behind one of the seats, one hook stuck in his mouth and another in his foot!


To say I was angry at the inconsiderate 5h1ts that left their rubbish is an understatement. I am also a considerable amount of money out of pocket because some 4r5e couldnt be bothered to clear up after himself.


In short ... please consider others (and the wildlife) when you leave your spot. Take your tackle, macdonalds wrappers, beer cans and unused bait home with you.


Yes as a long time coarse angler before i took up sea fishing im aware people who can just turn up, use a bit of bank/shore treat it like sh%t (literaly i've seen swims before with actual turds) how hard is it too put your rubbish in a bag?


I hope your dog is ok and the idiot who left that rig casts into his own ear!(i cant anatomicaly work out how he could cast into his testical but we can hope) its a shame this idiot cant be made to foot the bill


Sorry to hear your dogs fell foul of the thoughtless ba57ards Graham.... My pet hate at river, lakes and beach ....other peoples rubbish !!!


hope dog repair heals ok !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


UNBELIEVABLY I was walking my dogs again today in a different area, well away from where they fish and my other dog swallowed another hook .... the place is littered with them!!!


I have just picked her up from the vets along with a


Graham..............mate you must be at you're wits end .I am a dog lover and have three,can only imagine how you must be feeling.



Thanks for the concern lads.

The one from Sunday seems to have made a full recovery but the hook was sticking in his cheek so it was a relatively simple case of sedating him and removing the hook then giving him a course of antibiotics. The one today was not so lucky, she actually swallowed the whole trace complete with hooks, swivels and beads.


Holes Bay Road Rob. Today I kept the dogs on their leads and was very near the bushes at least 30 yards away from where they fish. I can only imagine someone had thrown their trace into the bushes.

Posted (edited)

I too have dogs and it makes me so mad to read this, morons like this think they are fishermen well there not.Maybe a few posters around the place would help ?



Edited by gjb

I post a picture of my poor baby's tummy.


Please remember this the next time you drop a trace on the beach or the car park.


I cannot believe that anyone from this club would be so inconsiderate as to do it on purpose but it just takes a moments lack of thought for this to happen.


user posted image



Utter bas***ds!!


Send a letter to Sea Angler and see if they will print it.


We didn't take our dog walking anywhere near where people were fishing as she would eat anything and everything - but there is no excuse whatsoever for people to leave this stuff lying about.


I hate littering of any kind and often remonstrate with people who do it.


I wish more people were fined for doing it.....in my view it's as bad as or worse than parking violations.


I hope you had pet insurance! and that the costs were at least partially recovered.



Posted (edited)

No insurance Neal, and have just come back from the vets after taking her back there today as she was very very unwell this morning. More injections, more bills but at least she is sleeping now.


Incidentally, I contacted the Echo this morning and they have come back to me. They are interested in coming to see me on Friday and doing a story about it. If it stops one idiot from leaving his rubbish then it will possibly be worth it.


I will write to the Sea Angler too Neal. I dont want anyone elses pet or any swan or any wildlife to go through this.

Edited by Graham Nash

I fid it amazing that a ''fellow angler'' could be so stupid, unthinking, or cretinous as to behave in such a manner, Sympathies for your animals Graham and hope the outcome is good. Derek. mad.gifmad.gifweep.gif


I also hope that both of your dogs make a full recovery Graham.


I know how much you love them.


As to the lazy twat who could not be bothered to take his rubbish home, I hope that he gets a hook in a region that hurts a lot, and it goes very septic.


Charlie biggrin.gif




So sorry to hear about your dogs.....i fished there last week and picked up god knows how much crap left by these ferule assholes

Us shore anglers come in for a lot of stick from the bird brigade etc and I can quite see the oppositions point when things like this happen

I always take a bin bag with me and at least try to tidy up around me

It really is so bloody easy to take your rubbish home with you or find a bin.

pissed off from Poole


hope your dogs are ok Graham, I agree dropping litter is awful


we have a couple of puppies which we have had for a few months now - I have been tempted to take them out on the boat but the little guys eat anything. maybe when they are a little older




I have taken mine out on the raider Mike but i find it a little cramped with 3 dogs and a couple of people.


I am making a dog friendly area on the new boat so they can come with me and have FRESH fish for lunch :-) (I'll make sure I remove any hooks tho')

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