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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Got a call this morning that my boat has been. broken into,they drilled out the patio door lock and all has gone well the good stuff,waiting for police so when I have a list I will update,not been a good year for me so far but that's life and I know a few have been though this


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I am sorry to hear that, I hope that the damage is not too great and that any gear will be covered by insurance.


If it is of any comfort, Hilda Maud was done over a few years ago, the scroats were caught and they are still paying my excess back quarterly..


Best of luck with it.




So so sorry to hear this mate ... I thought Ribs was so secure too.. any CCTV ?? !!!

Any idea how they got to the boat..... over/through fences..... or up the waterway??


Hope the insurance does it all for you !!


Dave biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


my sentiments have been given by others above too Nigel ..... I hope thats it for you this year and things start to get better for you.


I also hope someone very handy catches the scroats that do this type of stuff and when they do catch them its in a dark alley with no witnesses ph34r.gifph34r.gif .


After our chat this morning Nigel you know my thoughts on this mad.gifmad.gif


I hope the twats get caught and the book thrown at them.


Good job you have a bit of spare kit at home so that you can still join me on Sunday.




Sorry to hear your bad news Nigel, if only these morons realised the distress they cause......but no chance of that happening anytime soon. Just don't let them win by getting sorted and back out fishing as soon as you can. I'm local and have a couple of spare rods you can use if that helps ?


Best wishes,




Tough luck Nige !! Hope the insurance is not too much hassle and you are back up and running soon.


You are welcome to come floundering on mine [sat] ....if you can keep warm ! ??




Thanks for all the good wishes and offers of help..........thanks

They were seen on CCTV but I don't think they will ID them in the snow and hoodies.

They drilled out the patio door lock which took one of them half an hour then number 2 came back and they went though everything.Gone from what I saw today....lowrance 10hds combo but just cut the four leads mad.gif 5hds,jrc large electronics scales,numerous amounts of tackle/ rigs,lures ,all my sakuma hooks and several reels but left the rods???rods new for pair


I am impressed on how well you are taking this mate.


Looking forward to seeing what kit you arrive with on Sunday wink.gif, your B choice is probably still very good.


I am sure if you ask for PM's you will get some of your mark's back.

As we fished very close to you only a few days after you had the 30lb cod, I can let you have that one back laugh.gif if I entered it on my plotter wink.giftongue.gif




Hey Nige, that's a real bummer mate! Hope you can get all the damage and losses sorted.


There is something nasty about the privacy of your boat or house being invaded as well involved I imagine.


Lowlife scumbags probably sell the gear for next to nothing but cause you a lot of grief.


Can see now why you ain't had time to answer my question on how you were getting on with the 3D sounder.


Catch up later matey, keep your chins up wink.gif


Awful nigel...


The problem with owning something that is maybe flashier then the boat next door, means ur a bigger target it seems.. If only we were happy to be/have nothing in life like the scum who do it ...ppfftt.


As no swearing is alowed i'll leave it there....



I've got a spare VHF if you need to borrow one for awhile.

Thanks for the offer Brian but they left all 3 vhf radios,they are in the know?as mine have mmsi numbers entered and the charger for the handheld was at home biggrin.gif

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