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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As of tomorrow I am boatless weep.gif


If any of you are prepared to put up with my flip flops, incessant burbling, bad angling and dreadful wind I would very much like to offer myself up as able crew and relief skipper for any spring and summer angling.


I hope to be able to get a pass once or twice a month and may splash out on the odd charter, but on the whole love my small boat fishing, inshore for the usual suspects and especially offshore.


Able to bring ice, food, beverages etc etc and usual contributions. Happy to helm to give you a break too.


Please keep me in mind!






When i get out there, and its gonna happen this year!! i'll give you a shout.

I've not managed to get a lot of fishing in over the last year, so you could shine as a fisherman on my boat, even in flip-flops!!


Simon L

I'm hoping to get out more this year Tom.

I'll bear you in mind. wink.gif




Yeah right!!!!!!!!!


Don't hold your breath Tom. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Shut your Rabbit, and come and polish my boat for me ! ! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Thanks all.


Some of you know that my crewing capabilities dramatically improve with the warm sunshine of Spring.

I've no idea why, but they also tend to go off the boil with the first frosts.

...maybe it's 'cos my feet get cold in my flip flops?


Anyway, really appreciate the offers and hope to get out a lot more now than I did with Quest II.


Slightly different arena, but if anyone fancies a night out lamping for rabbit with air rifle or rimfire or (in time) a dawn deer stalking foray, then please let me know and I will see what I can organise.

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