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Hi my name is Tom and have just joined this week. I have an (english) Raider18 moored in Christchurch which i get out on when ever the weather lets me. hopeing to gain some local knolage, and i hear this is the best place for it. hopefully recognise some of you out on the water


cheers Tom smile.gif


Welcome Tom


This is the best boat club on the south coast


please come to our monthly meetings and chat with the lads, there is a lot to be learnt about boats and fishing


the meetings occur at the Parkstone Trades and Labour Club, on Ashley Road at 8pm on the first Thursday of the month


We are a friendly lot , just arrive and chat to people


I will ask for new members at the start of the meeting


There is at least one other raider belonging to the club at Christchurch


We use channel 6 while on the water






Hi Tom


Welcome to the forum.

Can I suggest you join the club as you will gain loads of information and help from the other members, several of whom fish out of Christchurch..


I just happen to be the Membership Secretary, if you care to send me an email, I'll send you some info.






Where in Xchurch are you?


I have an Mi21 on the Quomp just down from the slip at Mayors Mead. Say hello sometime and follow me out.


Hi Tom, welcombe aboard if its local knowledge you want you have certainly come to the right place,As Brian said join the club as a full member and youll have more than you can handle.PBSBAC websight suddenly becomes a BIGGER place.


Johnnyb. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


thanks for all the reply s!!! my boat is moored at rossiters in the pool and I have a 115 evinrude ficht (BRP), boat name is Drifter. think i will become a full member sounds like its well worth the money and will defiantly try and get down to the next meeting. here's a pic of the boat so if you see me giv us a call on ch6 smile.gif


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