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Clubs AGM and Presentation Tuesday 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club BH15 3EU ×

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The new forum is up and available for trying out now.

I would like to get members opinions on the forum layout ( it is stil invision power board but has many new features ).


To start all members accounts are on the new forum. You will need to get a password though - this can be done by requesting one be sent to your email account that you used logging onto this board.

If you cannot remember the email or it has changed then no problem - PM me and I will set you a password. ( I tried importing the passwords but it is not easy, so stopped trying ).

Likewise , I have looked into porting the posts in here across but not easy, so still trying to do this.


For now though, continue posting in this forum and have a play with the new forum.


Catch Reports is still very much work in progress on the new board.

also under the "Coming" tab is the new front page - but this will be much better once we get someone to design a better layout.


The image gallery is streets ahead of coppermine and posting images / video now accepts link to youtube etc.


Once you have a login you can then opt to login using your facebook account ( using the PBSBAC app that I wrote ) - you can then update your status between here and facebook.


Anyhow, have a play and let me know.


The link to the new forum is New forum


PS: It is new, so there will be teething problems I am sure.



Looking good so far


I could not get the forgot password to work it went through the motions but didn't send an email. I then tried the log in using facebook button and got straight in without creating a password.








call me stupid .... but i tried logging in normally AND with my facebook a/c and both failed sad.gif


Email works fine now. However, the email address used on the new site is the one I got from this site. If your account has an invalid email address assigned to it then this won't allow the new site to send you an email.


Therefore, if you want a password set up, state here and I will do or Martin will when he has learnt how smile.gif


Posted (edited)

Hi Paul/Martin


Asked for a new password but received nothing


I know my email address is correct as I have not changed it.


Can you set one up for me please






Sorry Just come through!

Edited by Coddy

Succeeded in using the passwords from this forum to authenticate.


Now just enter your username and password as you would do here and it will let you in.


Over the next few months, this forum will be migrated to the new one, so try out the new one to get used to it.




Is there the possibility to add a page for the boat species which does not use my web site page as an import?


There is no hurry but I thought it may be good to keep it all in house so to speak.

It would also be good just in case my hosting company goes belly up.


I would of course need admin rights to keep it updated.




Posted (edited)

I've joined. Posted. The post doesn't go on the old site , just the new one. I can't see anyway of posting photos? The iPhone app , IPB mobile.is not very good. Very boring looking and glichy. Really wont be using that app again.The initial login is annoying with the quake thing. Not as easy as proboards. These are meant to be constructive so please don't take it personally.




user posted image




user posted image



Edited by lofty

Another thing I'd personally like to see is the latest posts first. When I visit our site I always look at " latest posts " first and then click on the ones I want to read. I would have this towards the top of the page rather than towards the bottom . Maybe " welcome to the site," latest posts, and at the bottom all of the joining bumf. Also it would be nice to see the name and Avatar next to latest posts. Just my thoughts again .

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