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If you've been looking at the weather prospects for this holiday break ...... then your heart would have been sinking like mine ........ wind , rain, gales, frost and more wind !!


Having missed last Sunday's lull ...... today seemed the only prospect of getting afloat, albeit with a strong north to northwest forecast.


So with the help of some de-icer at an 8-o'clock dawn, Sinbad and I slid out of Mudeford [ 2 C harbour water] on some brown water and fished around at X-ray in a fresh and chilly breeze but not too bumpy; where the ebb produced a few whiting [ not many big ones ] all pretty full of [ well-digested ] sprats ..... but , as predicted, gone by low water.


One decent bite that seemed a better whiting turned out to be a frisky little bass that shook the hook free at the net ......... but ......... just when you think things have gone quiet......... along comes a slow steady pull....... feels like a good ray [this is X-RAY after all !!]......on the uptider....... but this 'ray' keeps taking as much line as I'm getting in....... but the little Abu Lever drag is set well and prevents any 'snap-offs'. Five or ten mins later ..... a shape surfaces from 17metres and it's not flat .......... but a great big , round white belly..... a cod that only just fitted into my seemingly small net by some expert netskills demonstrated by Paul [ honed during barbel fishing]....... but a lot of puffing to lift it aboard.


On the scales...... big belly wobbled between 24 and 25 lbs. ........ so we''ll settle for 24 1/2 ..... a P B for me , and the biggest Paul had seen and got him reaching for his camera [ perhaps he'll post the shot ].


No more similar bites.......... just lots of dogfish.


With the flood picking up and no whiting action [ I've noticed this every time at X-ray]........ we moved to the Ledge for the last couple of hours of the afternoon. Found an excellently steep spot [ 19 down to 12 metres or less in only a few boat lengths] but only managed a few big pout.


Wind dropped completely, lovely sunset and icicles forming on our noses as we sped in before dark .......... another interesting day...... in good company.


Merry Christmas [ or Festival of the Return of the Sun ........ as us pagans call this time of year ............ after today's Solstice]




Nice one Alun - Xray does the business once again!!


Last trip of the year I suspect though?


BW will sit in the drive now until the new year, when hopefully a spell of high presure will allow me out!




Nice one Alun, what a great fish.


always good to get a target fish when you have made the effort to get out in the bad weather.


What is not so good is to read about it, when you have just checked the 6 day forecast for Christmas that shows the only good day to be the 25th.


Oh well just Eating and Drinking then.


Have a great Christmas





As I said at the time, that fish was so round in the stomach - it looked like a carp to me !

Another cracking day - thanks Alun - we had the whole bay to ourselves - not another boat out at all. The conditions were much better than expected, Although we could easily make out some hefty 'growlers' on the horizon.


Who needs the Needles with these fat old boys swimming about ?




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Stuart,


Mine and lots of visiting relatives. Still have a few bits in the freezer. Give us a ring if you'd like to share a bit , if there's any left when you've got a free date ?


Cheers , Alun.

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