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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The Castaways flounder comp is on this Sunday


You will need to register before you fish ie by Saturday


One person (at least) from each boat to go to the Mariner Car Park on West Quay road to sign in on the day 8.00am - 8.30am


Presentation in the recently refurbished Mariner (upstairs)


Ragworm from Castaways £ 8.00 per lb for club members.


Usually all proceeds go towards prizes!




I think Tiddler needs a bit of a run.

I have a space if anyone fancies flattie bashing ( assuming the weather doesn't take a turn for the worse )




Jim.....tomorrow's going to nice and calm


Just looked at the weather Alun.


Where's all that crap weather gone ?


Oh go on then - - - - The Tiddler's gonna be brave !


I'll take her out. :)


Do I need to bring a wheel barrow for all my prizes ? :D  :D


The offer's back on if anyone fancies a look at how Tiddler performs.




don't forget to book in today - or you won't be eligible for any prizes.


Jim - if it was a force 8 tomorrow you would still be sheltered where you will be fishing - as long as you beat Dave and Kev to the "special" flounder mark!


Just had a call from Dave ( wm )

I'm out with him & Kev tomorrow so Tiddler's not going out after all.

Thanks big Dave.

I said I'd buy you a drink so i'll bring some Horlicks.


O no av I got to put with you all day, if you put your waders on and turn left out of your you'll be able to walk to use.

And your lucky Jacobs not coming he's got a laser party to go to, he's not happy he would rather go dangling


Kevin and Jacob


Chris: secrets? What secrets ?


Kev: I'm bringing my universal translator so i've got some idea of what you're on about.

Failing that - - - I'll just use my ear plugs.




Thanks Charlie

It is rare I get out without my buddy these days, but I do enjoy his energy keeps me going.

And Charlie you have good day out hauling congers, I will struggle with those 1 ounce leads



Thanks Kev

I bet you missed Jacob today, they keep you going dont't they.


We had a few eels today including 1 specimen and never needed more than 1lb of lead, so we had a good trip enjoying the nice weather.

I bet it was lovely in holes bay in the sunshine.


Come on boys , how did you get on?


It was very slow onWight Magic today only 1 fish but at 3lb 12 oz it won the comp

so proberly one of the last trips on Wight Magic could not have ended any better 

thanks for the company Jim and Kev a nice day out in the sun and yes i did have 

tme to clean up most ofthe stainless as well

a very happy Dave  :D


We started in holes bay this morning on Valton with only one flounder of 3.2lb falling to dad's bait. after 3 hrs with no more bites we moved around a bit and this didn't work either.

In the end dad took away £60 for 3rd place.

Congratulations white magic on your magnificent flounder and winning the castaways flounder competition 😭

Malcolm N


Well done Dave

I am sure the winnings will go a long way to paying for your new toy.


Or at least some polish for White Magic


Great to see her go out in style, but it perhaps it should have been a trip a little further offshore lol


Saving your fuel??


Well what a lovely warm January day, shame about the fishing one bite between 3 of use all day but what a bite that turned out to be a comp winner well done Dave.


Thanks for the day out Dave and Jimbo, a fitting day for are last trip on white magic to win.


Next time you bag a good fish calm down he was like an old mother hen. O we better pack up now and get into the way in that was 3 30

2 min to mooring and 5 min to way in,10 mins later he starts again yeh right you wait until 4 30 we told him and that was far to early.


I have got some fantastic memory's on the old girl, and some big big fish on both sides of the channel, let's hope the new magic is as lucky as the old one.:) :)

All the best Kevin


O and I forgot to mention what a beauty the new one looks we had a photo show on Dave lap top.


Can't wait to mess the deck up with blood and gutts.


We'll done Charlie sounds like you had a good day again

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