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I can't id the boat but In pic 3 it seems to have a keel which on a motor boat  this size is unusual.  I would guess it started life as a sailing dingy.

I also think 15hp is about the max I would put on the back.


Not me Rob


Trying to identify it for Gazza, as he is thinking of getting another engine and needs to know what size to get.


Come on guys, anyone got any ideas?


Sorry Brian I had not seen this post,cheers for putting it up.


Can somebody explain how you determine that the hull is only suitable for 15 hp ....is it determined by the

Boat length 14 feet plus boat width 6 feet or just the style of hull on the craft ..??


Reason I asked is that my mate had been offered a good condition 30 hp but if in you guys opinion we are

Better off staying with the 15 hp we have then so be it for the time being.






Can somebody explain how you determine that the hull is only suitable for 15 hp ....is it determined by the

Boat length 14 feet plus boat width 6 feet or just the style of hull on the craft ..??



the length of the hull (well the square root of the waterline length to be specific) dictates the hull speed


hull speed + 10% (in most cases) represents the speed beyond which the boat will be sunk by it's own stern wave unless it planes - the 10% is because most powered craft will move into a semi displacement mode to some degree!


you can calculate the power necessary to drive a given hull at it's hull speed - but in this case I suspect the judgement being shown by posters is that - (1) I wouldn't want to be in that 'on the plane' and (2) 15hp should get that running at it's hull speed easily enough.

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