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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Dean and I decided last minute to have a days fishing today.  Not up particularly early, boat launched by 8:30 down off of Swanage for mackerel for around 9:30.  Dean had set my rod up with small sabikis consisting of 8 hooks well it was like long lining, first drop literally a few feet under the boat and loads of mackerel.  Took the fish off the hook and placed in the live well threw the hooks back over the side and..........ouch one Sabiki hook embedded in the finger well past the barb.  I remembered some recent posts with ideas of how to remove hooks from flesh.  Some suggested using sting/nylon on the bend and pull others suggested pliers and pull but when it comes to it you try walking around with a hook in your hand attached to a long line full of other hooks which in turn is attached to a long stick so I came up with my own version, get hold of the hook with your teeth and pull your head sharply backwards.  It worked first time so off we go filling up the bait tank with more macky's.


We next moved off to our first mark westward where we drifted a bank expecting bass but nothing wanted to play so over to St Albans ledge.  Well to say it was a little sloppy would be a gross understatement so we decided to go right out to the end of the ledge where at least we could stand up and tried several drifts resulting in one bass for me at around 3lb.


As the tide eased we went back to the bank we had tried earlier and anchored.  We had 6 or 7 small blond rays before the tide stopped.  As the wind was westerly when the tide turned it would have got pretty lumpy so the decision was made to catch the last hour or so of the airshow.  I had seen it from the beach on Saturday but it is so much better viewing from a boat.  Dean also caught more mackerel and couple of Gurnard


All in all not a fantastic fishing day but our strings were pulled we were out in hte fresh air and we had a great view of the airshow with fresh mackerel and bass on the bbq this eve....nice


 I came up with my own version, get hold of the hook with your teeth and pull your head sharply backwards.  It worked first time so off we go filling up the bait tank with more macky's.




I'd like to see a demo after the next club meeting please




ps id suggest a disclaimer for all those with dentures or  it could end up in tears


Feel for you Martin

I had the same a couple of weeks ago those little hooks are lethal

I ripped mine out with pliers blood every where !!! Jacob said I bet that hurts no I said I'm ard


Sorry forgot to say we seen the blue boat with plenty of wash behind that will be AWOL we said


Sorry to hear about the hook, Martin, as you will remember, I can sympathise. If you want good fishing, come and join me; the weather's pretty good too.

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