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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all


I am just in the process of buying my boat and joining your club.  My name is Elliot and I grew up in Swanage, messing about in small boats as a teenager.  Have lived in civilisation in poole/bournemouth since 1994 and mainly shore fished, with the odd year or two having a boat.  Also, do a few charter trips locally.

Anyway, I have now persuaded the wife that WE need a boat and after much discussion and compromise, we have agreed on a new Merry Fisher 755.  She will be called "Downtime" and will be delivered to Parkstone Bay Marina in about 4 weeks.  Can't wait to have something sea worthy enough to go exploring marks and maybe channel Islands.

I look forward to meeting you at future events/comps and will complete membership profile when I have access.  Will update Photo and MMSI when available.


Tight lines.






Welcome Elliot, a fine boat that is. There are a couple in the club I think.


Photos of her (boat) when she arrives please!!




Welcome Elliot.

Very well done on convincing your wife that it would be a good idea.

I hope I'm in time to warn you against using the line     " well if I spend some money now and get a new one . . . . . . I won't need to spend anything for a long while " :D

Cos it'll be repeated quite a few times when you want to buy gadgets y'know ! !  ;)

Anyway . . . . . Enjoy !




Hi Elliot, in the top right hand corner you'll see a green button marked "Creat Account". Complete that and then Martin will upgrade your access to Club Member.


Welcome to the club Elliot, you will find the club has a wealth of knowledge, use the site for advice when setting up your boat, the members will be pleased to help.

I am the club safety officer and we like to think our members go to sea with the basic requirements like a Vhf license and some power boat training if required, you can also have you boat checked out and advice given on safety equipment you should carry on board.

Ask away and we will help, we can book you on the courses mentioned at discounted rates from local trainers.

Enjoy your new boat a good choice.

Mal Thomas


Hi Elliot and welcome to the club.


Great boat you have chosen most suitable for more than just fishing so I am sure both you and the other half will enjoy your new toy.


As Brian says click the create account button and fill in whatever it asks for then when properly registered I will update your status which will give you access to the club only section.  If you have problems registering give me a bell on 01202 721955 (eves best) or email maverickofpoole@hotmail.com


Oh and get your name down for the club BBQ http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/ipb/topic/17107-2015-club-barbeque-4th-july/

it's free for members and is a great way to meet your peers in a chilled out manner


Welcome Elliott

You have joined the best small boat angling club on the south coast

You have selected a very good boat which will take you fishing and on cruises with the family

Please come to a monthly meeting ant meet the guys, and don't miss the club BBQ on 4th July, see other posts

We all talk boat and fish language , sadly many also imbibe beer and wine , but we must be open minded



Thanks to everyone for kind words/offers of help. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the BBQ but I will certainly attend future events and join those that like beer and wine!

I am sure the next few weeks are going to go really slowly until the boat arrives, especially if the settled weather stays!!


Will keep you posted.






Quote  " future events and join those that like beer and wine! "


Well I can't think of anyone like that ! - - - Can YOU Mr. Chairman ? ? ?  :lol:  :D  :P  ;)


And he didn't even mention the CAKES !  :lol:





Hi Elliot, I have had a 755 MF Marlin for nearly two years and until recently was at Parkstone. Welcome to the Club. Probably know the positives and negatives (very few) of the boat as well as most and have seen all the factory updates since my purchase in 2013. Hope to see you at one of our Club Meetings and hearing how you enjoy your new purchase. Please PM if I can be of any help.




Thanks Allan, appreciate it.  I had narrowed the boat choice down to the MF 755 Marlin or the Quicksilver 755 Captur Pilothouse.  However, taking into account the wife's requirements (I do sometimes!) I decided on the non Marlin version.  Look forward to meeting you soon. Would be good to hear about your experiences so far.





  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all....just a quick update.


Boat is being rigged with engine and electronics this week and I am going down to Torquay for the handover next Friday.  She will then be delivered to Parkstone Bay Marina (by road) the following week!  Have saved plenty of holiday for short notice days off when the weather looks good! 

Looking forward to meeting you guys shortly.






What better fun than to bring her back by sea!!!!

I agree, but I want to guarantee she is here by the end of the month instead of hoping for a good weather window to bring her round the coast. The recent winds have made my mind up for me.




Lovely morning in Torquay for the boat handover. Blowing 5-6 straight into torbay! Going to be interesting for my first trip out on her. Glad I didn't opt to motor around the coast to Poole!


See you all out soon!



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