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What can y'all tell me about dry stack. How does it work? What does it cost? Where is it available??



Tell me what you know please.




Cobb's or Rockley.


Probably about £3,500 ish,  ish,  Trev.


I believe people are pleased with it but not as convenient as a pontoon.

But if it's dry stacked you don't need all that antifoul.

And you don't get the water damage and corrosion you get if it's moored.

I expect there'll be plenty of help to follow on this thread.





Bloody hell Jim are the stacks gold plated,  and does that include helicopter service from home to facility and back again?        Derek  :o  :o


I've just paid mine at Rockley. £1950 for my Warrior 165.
I'm on a stand rather than the stack, as this gives me access to do odd jobs whenever I want.
Price covers unlimited lifts in and out all year. If you want to go before they start work, phone the previous day and they'll put it on the pontoon, likewise if you come back late, leave it on the pontoon and they lift it out next morning.
They pressure wash and flush the engine after every trip.


Trevor at Rockley yours would be about 2,400 Cobbs about 3400 and 4,000 at Parkstone Bay


+'s for dry stack are as Brian says.  Pontoon berths are more sociable and handy for just going down the boat fiddling or sitting on and sipping wine or whatever takes your fancy.


Rockley facilities at the yard are basic but it does the job.  Facilities at Cobbs much better with general store chandlery proper engineers and club house all at hand.  Parkstone bay similar to cobbs without the club house but does have a nice but expensive cafe'



Have experienced both pontoon and drystack options at Cobbs  since 2007 with boat drystacked for the last 2 years.

It is more expensive to drystack but to me much more convenient and I dont have to go through the antifouling and anode replacement saga twice a year as when on Fpontoon .

The bloody long walk and sometimes restricted parking.didnt help either :(


My boat although listed as 5.94 metres long in the sales brochure is actually charged at 6.2 metres at Cobbs where they charge for overall length including extremities e.g bow roller ,outboard etc so be prepared to haggle.


Cant really say much negative about the Cobbs drystack ,,,,Guys are very good and accommodating ,I dont need to phone in advance ,just turn up and they drop it in(not literally :) )

Better parking and other faciities than on Fpontoon and you can have the boat transferred to a maintenance stack if you want to sort things yourself or put in the water at no extra  charge..


It's closer to the fuel pontoon and there is always deep water in the main channel.


I did have a problem with the hydraulic trim tab ram being broken when the tab took the boat weight as it was being lifted due to tab not being fully raised but they phoned me to let me know they had damaged it and replaced it at their own cost without any prompting on my part.Job done within a couple of weeks and no further occurrences since i now ensure they are fully raised after each trip.


Can't say fairer than that.


Only problem I have is with bloody seagulls sh$$$ing all over it as its right on the top of the stack and gets the majority of the weather. :ph34r:


This season cost me £3160.14 paid on monthly DD


Hope this helps......I wouldnt change back to Fpontoon as although cheapest pontioon at Cobbs it does have a number of restrictions .I think Fpontoon works out about  £500 pa cheaper for mine.


Have just moved from Rockley to COBBS, have enjoyed 7 years at Rockley but want the convenience of being on the water.

A trestle is great for working on the boat, anodes and anti fouling not a problem, but competing for a place on the pontoon at launch and

On return with low level sports boats no longer worth the effort.

Pontoon at COBBS allows for social as well angling requirements. Once bridge mastered a bit of planning avoids problems.

£3,300 at COBBS compared with £2600 at Rockley (£8 a week extra at COBBS)

Already feels better and discount fuel and free access to other MDL marinas available



Have just moved from Rockley to COBBS, have enjoyed 7 years at Rockley but want the convenience of being on the water.

A trestle is great for working on the boat, anodes and anti fouling not a problem, but competing for a place on the pontoon at launch and

On return with low level sports boats no longer worth the effort.

Pontoon at COBBS allows for social as well angling requirements. Once bridge mastered a bit of planning avoids problems.

£3,300 at COBBS compared with £2600 at Rockley (£8 a week extra at COBBS)

Already feels better and discount fuel and free access to other MDL marinas available



And that's before he uses the boat from out of there  ;) beers good though

  • 1 month later...

i have been at Rockley since July (previously at Lakeyard), its the 3rd dry stack I have used in recent years (Trafalgar Wharf & Gosport) and find it good. Like Brian my is in a cradle and easy to work on when I need to do jobs,

It also saves on maintenance costs, lift out and scrubs and antifoul. I do miss just popping down to the boat any time of the day / night for a trip out without having to arrange the boat going in the water but it suits me.

Staff at Rockley are very friendly and all boaters chatty.

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