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Yep thats my old boat, If it's the same engine I think it's been used as a garden ornament ( :lol: jim), about the same engine hrs as when i sold it


I sold it about 3 yrs ago and have recently bought a second hand 175 :D




Well done Gary.

I knew you were after a 175. You kept it quiet.

Hope you're managing to shift it about on the trailer or are you moored ?

Can you squeeze it in your drive ? the 165 was a bit tight.


Anyway- - - - ATB





I got the boat second hand from Romney Marsh (near Dover) back in August, was nearly giving up after 3yrs searching and saving.


The boat is called "Catch 22" and is kept on a dry rack at Rockley (too much physical exercise in trailing her) :(


Hopefully after a few things to sort out I will be out on the water soon ?


Jim, can you still get hold of a set of rocket launchers? B) as the boat has some but they are those dull horrible aluminium ones




Sorted !


Brian. - - If you stand on your wallet you could reach them..



Gary:  I think they're exactly the same so you should be on a winner.  :)



As for the name " Catch 22 "


Mine would be " Catch Nowt "   :D  :lol:


If you are selling them Brian can I have first refusal please ? :)

I will have to check to see if they fit the 175 bridge first.....just to make sure.


I am also at Rockley but the boat is having some work done elsewhere and may not be back until a week Saturday


have you a price in mind ? can you pm me ?


you maybe interested in the ones I have now (height wise) as they are a few inches lower although the dull grey aluminium might put you off :(





Hi Garry

I'll pass on the "dull grey aluminium" ones thanks.

I hadn't really given any thought to price, I think they cost me about £150, how does £100 sound.

Whenever you want to try them for fit, give me a call and we'll arrange to meet at Rockley.



07763 779089


Brian, that sounds a fair price to me, I will call you when the boat is back at Rockley,


Jim, hopefully I will see you out on the water soon......by the way you didn't say if the rod tubes are still in production or not ?




There is a Warrior site on facebook with about 800 members on there.......maybe they are all potential customers ? ;)

I don't go on facebook really although my eldest set me an account up, but I have never put anything on there.


Anyway, it may be worth a try ? , nothing ventured nothing gained and all that. :)




Thanks Gary.

I'll pass it on to Tony & Steve ( Robton engineering )

I don't really get involved but it's always nice to see my sparkly creations.  :)  ;)




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