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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Good choice of boat.

Make sure the engine is at least 60 HP


I had E-Tec 75 on mine and it was great.

Some people had 50s and were under-powered.

But of course. . . . . . make your own mind up.  ;)




Forget the Predator or Explorer, go for the real thing. Have a look on the Warrior Owners Club facebook page, there's usually one or two to look at. On other sites, be careful of cheap looking ones, they are very popular as scam targets being a very sought after boat.


Look at the on-line engine specs.


Frequently they are made in grouped sizes.


My E-Tec was a 75 HP   but physically the same as  a 90 HP ( same weight )  although a 90 is too big for a warrior 165


My current engine is a Honda 50 HP ( physically the same as a 40 HP )


If it's out of warranty - - -  can you get a smaller rated one ( but physically bigger ) chipped to give better output ?  How much £ ?


Do you want a newish one with warranty ? ?


The smaller rated versions are much cheaper.  Do you want to carry the weight of a heavier engine without the power ?

Do you want to buy the cheaper one to save £800 ish and spend some £ on getting it chipped if possible ? ? ?


I don't know but give it some thought.





My boat is 13 feet long and ½ a Warrior's weight and 4 up if 2 are at the flat end it'll struggle to get up on the plane.


Warriors like power but not weight !


They are indeed a very good boat and the Warrior aftercare is first class.




Guest Joefish

Looked at those coddy, theyre either sold or wont sell without trailer. Theres one for £89K. Whats all that about. Thanks for looking though

Guest Joefish

Thanks Ben, but ive narrowed it down to a Warrior 165 or 175. Cheers.


Looked at those coddy, theyre either sold or wont sell without trailer. Theres one for £89K. Whats all that about. Thanks for looking though

I saw that one, you can have mine for £10k less, only £79k. :lol:  :D  :lol:  :D


Have you looked/asked on the Facebook Warrior Owners page?


What's your budget?

There's a 175 on there:

Forsale 2012 package with mariner 100efi. Full services history 18 hours on the engine from the last service. Lawrence electronics. Need gone as got charter boat for this season. 16k Ono

Guest Joefish

Thanks a lot for your help Brian. Unfortunately its got no seats, i need them for the grandkids, & its a bit far in Grimsby. But thanks for trying. Joe


I went to Anglesey for the Tiddler.

We made a weekend of it.  :)

It's just miles. ;)

If the price is right you can buy the extra seats.  If it's not you can wait for another to come up for sale.

Grimsby's not THAT far from Warrior's factory depending if you're a half full or half empty kinda bloke. :D



Guest Joefish

They werent extra seats Jim, it has no seats at all.Also he was trying to meet up half way. Nice idea, but i would have felt like i had to buy it, although he sounded genuine enough.


Jim is saying you can get seats from the factory. I picked up my boat from colchester and did the M25 on a nice busy evening!!!!


If its a good one, it would be a shame to miss out, if he had it new from the factory even better as they will have a record!


I expect you could ask Warrior the history of the boat too.


Maybe a long journey, but at the end of it......................new boat! doesn't get better than that! Those hours will be forgotten once you're hauling fish over the gunnels.


Clone bucket seats are also now available from a guy on the Warrior owners FB group. He's done re-upholstery for a while, good quality and quite a number of the guys very pleased. Now he is offering full seats.

Assume you aren't referring to the lack of a rear bench seat here?



Don't expect to find a good one on your doorstep!


I've done many miles looking, buying and transporting boats over the years, sadly they ain't like cars, and to get a decent one you often have to travel.


Adam is right.


If you can't find your ideal one, finding a reasonable one then "uplifting" it is another option. I've done this on my three previous boats, and while it can be cheaper initially, the cost of upgrades can quickly add up.


A brand new boat often needs loads spending on it, to make it operationally effective.


Fitting safety gear for your intended usage should be a budgeted priority, and once fitted, the "fun" toys can then follow.



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