plaicemat Posted November 24, 2016 Report Posted November 24, 2016 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie + Ian (underpants) Simpson - Both Comps 2) Alfresco- Charlie, Will, Sam?? TBC, May only be Club comp due to later start 3) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun - Club comp only probably 4) Reel Magic Dave crew TBA - Both comps. 5) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways - Both comps 6) Fisheagle- Allan, Dave S. and Mick - Both Comps. 7) Sea wolf Fred and 3 crew - Both comps 8) Madness - Martin, Dean and Terry - Both comps 9) Illusion.Tom plus 2 crew - Both comps. 10) Serenity - Tony + Peter Russell - Both comps 11) Ella Bella - mark + cj - Both comps 12. Slice of life( club only) kayak 13. Kellys Hero, John Stephenson & Dave Lynes + two - Both comps Quote
fisherman1055 Posted November 24, 2016 Report Posted November 24, 2016 Serenity will need crew if we fish this Sunday, Peter has had to drop out call Tony 0n 07733101037 If no I may need a ride Now sorted Quote
plaicemat Posted November 24, 2016 Report Posted November 24, 2016 Now sorted Phew! fisherman1055 1 Quote
Greg Posted November 25, 2016 Report Posted November 25, 2016 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie + Ian (underpants) Simpson - Both Comps 2) Alfresco- Charlie, Will, Sam?? TBC, May only be Club comp due to later start 3) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun - Club comp only probably 4) Reel Magic Dave crew TBA - Both comps. 5) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways + Vic Cooper (non Member)- Both comps 6) Fisheagle- Allan, Dave S. and Mick - Both Comps. 7) Sea wolf Fred and 3 crew - Both comps 8) Madness - Martin, Dean and Terry - Both comps 9) Illusion.Tom plus 2 crew - Both comps. 10) Serenity - Tony + Peter Russell - Both comps 11) Ella Bella - mark + cj - Both comps 12. Slice of life( club only) kayak 13. Kellys Hero, John Stephenson & Dave Lynes + two - Both comps Quote
fisherman1055 Posted November 25, 2016 Report Posted November 25, 2016 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie + Ian (underpants) Simpson - Both Comps 2) Alfresco- Charlie, Will, Sam?? TBC, May only be Club comp due to later start 3) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun - Club comp only probably 4) Reel Magic Dave crew TBA - Both comps. 5) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways + Vic Cooper (non Member)- Both comps 6) Fisheagle- Allan, Dave S. and Mick - Both Comps. 7) Sea wolf Fred and 3 crew - Both comps 8) Madness - Martin, Dean and Terry - Both comps 9) Illusion.Tom plus 2 crew - Both comps. 10) Serenity - Tony + Ian Simpson - Both comps 11) Ella Bella - mark + cj - Both comps 12. Slice of life( club only) kayak 13. Kellys Hero, John Stephenson & Dave Lynes + two - Both comps Quote
Neal Posted November 26, 2016 Author Report Posted November 26, 2016 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie & Mike Fox - Both Comps 2) Alfresco- Charlie, Will, Sam?? TBC, May only be Club comp due to later start 3) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun - Club comp only probably 4) Reel Magic Dave crew TBA - Both comps. 5) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways + Vic Cooper (non Member)- Both comps 6) Fisheagle- Allan, Dave S. and Mick - Both Comps. 7) Sea wolf Fred and 3 crew - Both comps 8) Madness - Martin, Dean and Terry - Both comps 9) Illusion.Tom plus 2 crew - Both comps. 10) Serenity - Tony + Ian Simpson - Both comps 11) Ella Bella - mark + cj - Both comps 12. Slice of life( club only) kayak 13. Kellys Hero, John Stephenson & Dave Lynes + two - Both comps Quote
Neal Posted November 26, 2016 Author Report Posted November 26, 2016 Having consulted with Mal and Poole Sea Angling Centre - whilst the conditions are not ideal and with consideration to both safety and the boats registered. The competition is going ahead as planned. All the weather forecasts show 9 - 11 mph steady winds - with gusts up to 22 mph. All showing North Easterly Neal Maverick Martin, Greg and Steve S 3 Quote
great white Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 unfortunately I will have to drop out as I have lost my crew we are out tonight so I will have a chance to enjoy that a little more, have a great time guys stay safe and catch loads Quote
Leicester Fisheagle Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Fisheagle will also have to withdraw.I have just spoken to Dave who has hurt his back lifting something heavy and Mick doesn't mind being shaken but not sturred at the same time. So, regrettably, I too, have lost my crew. Tight lines to all fishing. Allan. Quote
tom Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Illusion will also be withdrawn from both comp,good luck to all that fish.Regards Tom. Quote
Reel Wizzard Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Sorry Kellys Hero also withdrawn, good luck to all that fish. Quote
Wight Magic Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Sorry Reel Magic is going to have to pull out good luck to all that fish Dave Quote
Kingfisher 126 Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie & Mike Fox - Both Comps 2) Tigerfish - Steve, Alun - Club comp only probably 3) Marlin - Greg and Rob Samways + Vic Cooper (non Member)- Both comps 4) Sea Wolf - Fred and Chris W - Both comps 5) Madness - Martin, Dean and Terry - Both comps 6) Serenity - Tony + Ian Simpson - Both comps 7) Ella Bella - mark + cj - Both comps 8) Slice of life( club only) kayak Quote
great white Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Just a little safety tip for those going out tomorrow, in a forecast a tad worse than today's. I went out for a few hours this afternoon, leaving just after 12, the Easterly breeze and ebb tide were making the swash very sloppy. not nice at all. So bad that I nearly turned the boat around and set off home to watch the rugby. Instead I turned left and went out through the East Loue to have a look on the other side of the hook sands, thankfully it was much better. I fished the banks about 3 miles out from 1.00 to about 4.30 without any stress as the wind and tide were going the same way. The run back in was also no problem as going that way meant the wind was from behind for the run in. While I didn't get any of tomorrows target fish, I did get plenty of whiting and far to many dogs. stay safe tomorrow guys, Tight Lines fisherman1055, Jim, Ark and 3 others 6 Quote
Greg Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Charlie Thanks for the info. Very much appreciated. Greg mw 1 Quote
fisherman1055 Posted November 26, 2016 Report Posted November 26, 2016 Why have so many people pulled out???? Tony Quote
mw Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Why have so many people pulled out???? Tony I wish I had mark w Quote
Rob Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 How did y'all get on? I saw Dean had a couple. Quote
Steve S Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Alun and I had one each, details later. Quote
Steve S Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Nice to see all the Poole boys in my neck of the woods today. Seemed like just Lofty was fishing elsewhere. Alun had one cod of 13lb 4oz Steve had one cod of 11lb 8oz We had a mixed bag, a number of sizeable whiting, a fair few pout, best 2lb 7oz, 1 poor cod, a couple of Thornbacks and numerous conger to 20 to 25lb est not boated. There are a quite a few mini conger around this year it seems. Most of the action was in the morning. One of the conger contrived to eat both our baits and made a right old mess, snip, snip, snip, snip even the braid felt the cut of the scissors. Thanks goodness we had the ebb tide with the easterly wind, had it been the flood fishing would have been a nightmare. We did slip anchor a bit until I let out another 30m, that did the trick. Once again no dogs for me , Alun had them all, I did better with the whiting with my christmas tree rig, other than that it was a ray apiece, a cod apiece and shared the conger. All in all a very pleasant day. rich185, Leicester Fisheagle, Reel Wizzard and 5 others 8 Quote
Brian Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Congratulations to Mike Fox for winning the Poole Sea Angling Centre Cod comp with a 24 lb 6oz Cod. Would I be right in thinking he won the Club comp as well? Ark, Jim, rich185 and 6 others 9 Quote
Steve S Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Yep, nice one Mike, well done. Mike Fox 1 Quote
Kingfisher 126 Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Sea Wolf Fred 7lb 2.5ozs, every little helps. Chris 0 Cod. Bonus Bass 6lb 4oz. Not a lot of good in a cod comp!!! Ark, Reel Wizzard, Mal Thomas and 6 others 9 Quote
Stuie Posted November 27, 2016 Report Posted November 27, 2016 Well done to all club members who caught fish and everyone who took part. Ark, Leicester Fisheagle and Mike Fox 3 Quote
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