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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Weather is looking bumpy but not impossible for an offshore excursion Saturday, however with the direction forecast an inshore trip looks doable both Saturday and Sunday.

The boats entered to date all look to be very capable to be safe and reasonably comfortable. Small tides will help the situation, Wind and tide inline for the homeward journey should calm the sea slightly.

We will keep a eye on the situation and post if the forecast worsens. Only available Sunday myself but will be working on the sea front at Southbourne Saturday so I will be looking at the sea state.👍

5 hours ago, Mal Thomas said:

Weather is looking bumpy but not impossible for an offshore excursion Saturday, however with the direction forecast an inshore trip looks doable both Saturday and Sunday.

The boats entered to date all look to be very capable to be safe and reasonably comfortable. Small tides will help the situation, Wind and tide inline for the homeward journey should calm the sea slightly.

We will keep a eye on the situation and post if the forecast worsens. Only available Sunday myself but will be working on the sea front at Southbourne Saturday so I will be looking at the sea state.👍

Thanks Mal


Kingfisher went out today and have to say the correct decision to cancel the cross channel trip, the wind was greater than forecast.

We had a delightful slow trip back in and found out the wheelhouse windows need resealing urgently.

Mal and Nigel spent the whole trip in mopping up with towels etc as we did a submarine impression for miles! ☹️☹️


Cheers guys. 👍👍


For Alun and I on Tigerfish, the 48 hour comp transmuted to just the Saturday. We had a good day out. First objective find some mackerel, happily we soon saw some terns diving so out with the feathers. We had a mad time catching mackerel of all sizes, out numbered by the bass, some over 2lb, they were coming in thick and fast, great fun 3 at once at times. They were feeding on herring fry. With enough mackerel in the live well we set off for some bigger bass.

A bigger one showed up first drift, we had 10 or so of good size mostly between 4 and 6lb. The best went 7lb 9oz.

After a fairly early return we gave the boat a good clean down then off to the Mayflower for a pint.



Saturday started well enough with three boats heading for wrecks 20 miles out, bait fishing went well in Swanage so off we go,  trouble was it was a little breezy and the water was a bit coloured and nobody had a single fish.


Dave and I decided to anchor the deep gulley, I believe Dave and Mick struggled for bites but we seemed to get a few


Started with some Huss, best 9lb to Ian, then some Tope best 28lb to me.


We were just about to move to try and anchor a wreck and Dave was pulling his anchor to come over when I had another close encounter with the Poole Bay Monster on my tope rig. looking down I could see colour and thought it looked odd, then I realised a F~~~~ng big Porgie was swimming straight at the boat, she hovered alongside for a little while as I barked all sorts of instructions at my poor crew to fetch a camera wind up the lines etc etc, then she decided that she didn't like sunlight and set off for Portland. By the time 200 metres of braid was off the reel I decided to up the drag, but all that did was straighten a 6/0 hook.


I then got a bit focused an another go with some bigger hooks, so had to tell Dave I was staying put. we carried on catching plenty of Tope but the big fish did not return


Sorry if I messed up your plan Dave, but it was a very big Porgie, at least 8 feet long and I got a bit excited


Great stuff, bit of a heart stopping moment there Charlie!


For future reference when you next in that lucky position I've found (Florida and Kenya) 'mostly' big sharks do long runs but then will turn back or are prepared to come back to you, so next time maybe let it run till you are almost out of line in the hope it will do so. Another thing on these long runs the drag force gets higher and higher as the diameter of the reel spooled with line reduces, it can make a massive difference so you can need to back off the drag, easy to say but in the heat of the moment easy to forget!






When Charlie saw the Porbeagle I thought that the Russians were invading " don't panic Capt Mainwairing".


Great fun for 2 days, Alan landed a PB Tope, I had a stunning Red Mullet, lots of Tope (with 2 landed at the same time that brought up all 4 rigs). Charlie had the smallest Bream ever landed and I had a Conger that may of only just hatched.


I exercised my right to catch and release a lovely Spotted Ray when a stunned Charlie informed me (sternly) that this was a competition and it was around specimen size, oops.


Thanks for the 2 days and our beers tasted extra special on Sunday night with a take away from Chinese Whispers

1 hour ago, iansimpson63 said:

When Charlie saw the Porbeagle I thought that the Russians were invading " don't panic Capt Mainwairing".


Great fun for 2 days, Alan landed a PB Tope, I had a stunning Red Mullet, lots of Tope (with 2 landed at the same time that brought up all 4 rigs). Charlie had the smallest Bream ever landed and I had a Conger that may of only just hatched.


I exercised my right to catch and release a lovely Spotted Ray when a stunned Charlie informed me (sternly) that this was a competition and it was around specimen size, oops.


Thanks for the 2 days and our beers tasted extra special on Sunday night with a take away from Chinese Whispers

Thanks Ian


Glad you enjoyed it, I sure did


Guys it’s starting to look like there may be a wooden spoon award for the biggest balls up during a club comp, fish being returned before weighing them, the plaice comp, gutting fish before weighing them, a trend starting to show.

And of course plenty have been returned before being photographed during comps!


Just thinking out loud. 😳😳

33 minutes ago, Kingfisher 126 said:

Guys it’s starting to look like there may be a wooden spoon award for the biggest balls up during a club comp, fish being returned before weighing them, the plaice comp, gutting fish before weighing them, a trend starting to show.

And of course plenty have been returned before being photographed during comps!


Just thinking out loud. 😳😳


Well we are all getting older :bawling:


Well done for getting out guys and catching fish

I dutifully attended an 8 year old girls birthday party and had a sleepover watching videos with the other grand children

I did not even get one bite!!!!!!!!!!

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