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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I am considering it Charlie as Marlin comes out at the beginning of February til the end of March for it's annual maintenance. The weather looks to good to give a miss !!


It will be good to give the boat another blast, plus the unlikely chance of getting a Cod 🤣🤣


Had an invite to join Ben on his boat Julie Anne.

0700 saw us leaving Cobbs at low water.

This always makes it easier getting under the bridge. Lol


Dave and Chris were also heading out. Its always good to know friends are about.


After a couple of recent whiting trips all boats were going to try for something else.


Off we go heading SE. Tide assisted.


Anchor down and the usual suspects show up. Strap congers. Whiting.doggies.


After 90 minutes of that we started planning a move to target larger fish. Sod it if there are this many eels about. Lets go to a wreck and look for some bigger ones.


As it turns out that was a good plan. After a couple of drops of the anchor, we got into a good position. Lines down and five minutes later I am struggling with a proper eel in the tide. No time to weigh it as my other rod was doubled over. Ben was also getting a bite.


We soon dropped to one rod each and action continues. By the time the tide eased we were knackered. We repositioned for the ebb. Ben cooked up a great lunch as we took a break.


We dragged baits as we swing on the tide. A couple of keeper whiting. Then we each had a spurdog.11.5 and 14.5 lb


For the last hour the boat sat uptide of the wreck and the congers were feeding, they were getting larger and close to specimen size. So lets get the scales back out.

The first we weighed was 40 lb and was a complete pain to keep in the weighing bag.

Sod that lets put the bag and scales away. Clean up and carry on


Time for lines up approached and my whiting bait was being attacked. Of course the last one was the biggest of the day and needed weighing. 44lb


It made us late for the lifting bridge but we didnt care after such a day. Slip her back alive to swim home, anchor up and off we go for Cobbs


Thanks Ben

Really enjoyed my first trip on your boat mate.


Pictures to follow








Thanks Charlie, Graham recond it may have been you and Dave about three miles or so out from us on six mile banks, it was fishing well there, (then moved in for a while) on the strongest tide but the herring were not there so not the whiting either,  but he did go out for the final fling and found them again.  👍

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