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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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We need 10 people minimum fishing for entry to the BFM competition.

The first competition of the year is a BFM qualifier, so lets get as many as possible fishing this competition ( weather willing of course ).


Book in either using this thread or by calling myself ,Mike Fox ( as per the Comp Booking in thread ) or Adam Franklin.


Results to be returned / telephoned in within 1 day of fishing the comp ( ie. By Monday evening ). This will allow time to send the BFM forms back.


Scoring sheets will be attached to this post when I can find the link !





BTW: Looking for crew for this comp on Neo - any takers ?


Who is fishing then ?


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Thanks Paul


Following the AGM can you or Adam please confirm what the competition rules are


Ie No of rods, hooks, eligable species and fishing times. etc etc


Dan and I are hoping to fish weather permitting, Sam is working.


We will have space onboard if you wish to join us, but will understand if you would rather fish on Neo and have the chance to dart around the harbour and inshore marks.


Anyone else who are between boats need a ride?




2 rods can be used with a maximum of 3 hooks ( Where a pennel counts as a single hook - provided both hooks are in the same bait ).

( This is a change from the previous 2 hook maximum and needs updating on the front page of the web site )


The species allowed are those listed on the competition spreadsheet and nothing else ( ie. No "mini species" ). All sizes count but undersized fish MUST be returned.


Fishing Times are any 7 hour Period between 06:00 and 18:00




Thanks Paul - you beat me to it.


My mobile is 07957 829902 if anyone wants to book in via phone.


I'm at the Canford boat jumble I'm afraid. Good luck to those who get out!


Following my car crash last Monday, I am now signed off with whiplash injury to my neck which seems to be getting progressively worse. As a result, Frisky and crew might not be getting out to play on Sunday.


Early indications are for strongish northerlies, an occluded front, and rather cool, for those who are inclined to get out.




sorry to hear you had a crash mike



I bet you fell a pain in the neck


brandys good for whiplash


I wanted a sea safty check this week never mind may be next week


hope your soon better

mark w







Jim and Steve Davies will be out in Small Fry. ( Warrior 165 )

We have only just joined the club and have no Idea about competition rules, Logging in. etc. etc.

All advice greatfully accepted.


Looking forward to the next meeting and some GPS lessons. We have a Lowrance 3500c






Weather forecasts for Sunday are not consistent !! ...could be anything this far out.


If wind drops..........I might persuade Gordon onto Gastronaught for a bit of stealth - boating in our hunt for extra species....... but I don't see many mullet yet!


Good luck to all........t'will be interesting to see which wnd of the Bay does better.


Out to practice tomorrow!!



  Small Fry said:
Jim and Steve Davies will be out in Small Fry. ( Warrior 165 )

We have only just joined the club and have no Idea about competition rules, Logging in. etc. etc.

All advice greatfully accepted.


Looking forward to the next meeting and some GPS lessons. We have a Lowrance 3500c







Post in this thread to register that you are fishing the competition ( or call me the day before ). Also all club boats monitor channel 6 and you can book in on this channel on the day ( with NEO or any committee member fishing ) - this is the least preferable method as you will spend half the day trying to contact someone to book in !



Rules as at the top of this thread.


Complete a score card ( Up to 4 of each species ).


All these competitions are catch and release and based on trust.


Post here what you caught or e-mail the spreadsheet to webmaster@pbsbac.co.uk

or send a PM with your catch.




Thanks Paul


Alfresco Now has Myself Dan and Paul


Possibly also PJ


Fingers crossed for the weather and a good start to the comp season.


Mike, I hope the neck recovers and we see the Frisky Crew out there




Unfortunately will not be able to enter comp this time


Boat still being serviced and domestic issues at home mean unable to crew.



B*******r sad.gif



Please note the weather outlook for Sunday is looking unkind, but is very changeable.


The inshore forecast has been updated in the last few minutes and is here:


Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis

Strong wind warning 1631 Fri 11 Apr 0600 Sat 12 Apr

Southwesterly winds will reach force 6 or force 7, occasionally gale force 8 for a time


Inshore waters forecast

24 hour forecast: 1800 Fri 11 Apr 1800 Sat 12 Apr

Wind Southwesterly 5 to 7, increasing gale 8 for a time.

Sea state Moderate or rough.

Weather Squally thundery showers.

Visibility Mainly good.


Outlook: 1800 Sat 12 Apr 1800 Sun 13 Apr

Wind Southwest veering northwest later 5 or 6, decreasing 3 or 4.

Sea state Moderate becoming slight.

Weather Showers.

Visibility Good.


IF this forecast does not improve in the next 24 hours, I would say this would be unsafe for small boats, especially with the residual sea state left over from Saturday, and if the change in wind direction or reduction in strength is not early.


Decision regarding go / no go has been deferred until tomorrow. Please watch this space.



Safety Officer






Yes Jim & Steve Davies are going to Fish in the Comp on 13-04-2008

We will be In " Small Fry "



Looking Forward to it.



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