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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Craig and his wife onboard Abode II have booked in with me, so have been added to the list.


The forecast seems to be holding out, I'm sure Mike will confirm later today.


I've heard of numbers of breaming starting to appear on the ledge now - good luck to those who get out!!

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The forecast has changed again:


Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis

Strong wind warning 0353 Sat 12 Apr 1800 Sat 12 Apr

Southwesterly winds will reach force 6 or 7, occasionally gale force 8 at first, before decreasing to reach force 6 at times


Inshore waters forecast

24 hour forecast: 0600 Sat 12 Apr 0600 Sun 13 Apr

Wind Southwesterly 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8 at first, decreasing 3 or 4 later.

Sea state Moderate or rough.

Weather Squally showers.

Visibility Mainly good.


Outlook: 0600 Sun 13 Apr 0600 Mon 14 Apr

Wind Southwest veering northwest 4 or 5.

Sea state Slight or moderate.

Weather Showers.

Visibility Good.


This gives me less cause for concern, and as such the competition is ON !


Please note that the Met Office suggests gusts to 28 knots (F6) in Poole for early evening, and if I were fishing, I would be keen to avoid these.


Good luck those that decide to enter, and remember that the decision to fish or not rests with each individual skipper.



Safety Officer




Rich S


I have one space tomorrow if you want it, have tried to call you without success can you call me on my mobile.


I do not think we will be scratching though, weather permitting in the morning we intend to try a bit further out first


Charlie biggrin.gif



Back from fishing in 100 degrees heat in the Gambia - I will be wrapped up nice and warm and fishing from the cabin!


Neal and John on "Court Jester" and space for a couple of crew if anyone interested


Please PM if interested


Good luck all for tomorrow





Please note that the forecast for tomorrow continues to change.


I would strongly recommend that each skipper keeps a close eye on conditions, and a good watch on Ch16 for any early Strong Wind Warning that might be issued, and decide on their actions accordingly.


I will NOT be fishing tomorrow, nor have access to VHF radio, and as such I have asked Paul Jennings to make any last minute cancellation call that he judges necessary.



Safety Officer


Late confirmations:


Tony Deavin and Pete Russell have phoned through news that they are taking part, presumably on Serenity.


Also, George Fox will be fishing on Frisky Fox, with Carol. I am still unable to fish.





Also, George Fox will be fishing on Frisky Fox, with Carol. I am still unable to fish.





Carol & George intend to show you how to do it then! laugh.giflaugh.gif


They will keep those secret marks to themselves wink.gif


Hope they did well





Fished aboard Alfresco today and my meagre catch is not going to be presenting any competition for the trophy at this early stage.


Still, had a great day out again and we sat out a heavy hailstorm before grabbing a few eels each before moving in for some other species ( ie. dogfish ) and Charlie showed the way with a pout as well.


Most enjoyable, although I was feeling a little rough to start. Pulling up a conger made me feel so much better strangely smile.gif





Small Fry had a Great Day Out.

We missed nearly all of the rain.

Lost a few hooks.

Caught Nothing.

But really enjoyed it.

Looking forward to the water warming up a bit.

We saw quite a few club boats on our travels.





Court Jester was put back in the water last Friday ready for the comp.


We set off with everything appearing to be OK - but fish finder saying low battery warning - once passed the bridge and out into the main channel all electronics shut down.


Go home or fish close in - well, we have bait and weather looks ok so continue on but carefully.


On Inspection - the back up battery terminals were loose - and the battery flat - swapped batteries over to try and charge up with engine running - didn't work.


Basically, we tried a couple of inshore marks - but using the old fashioned method of guess work and looking for pot buoys failed miserably.


14 dogfish later to me and 2 to john - we finally gave up and came home.


I trust others fared better.






Enticer fared a bit better than Court Jester....... but still a disappointing day fishing\points - wise and the wind made a bumpy day out on the Ledge.


Complete No-Show with the bream [ and didn't see any on the other 6 or 7 boats out there]. Despite fixed concentration, first class baits and no time wasted with cooking and phoning.....all we scratch between the doggies were a few bullhuss, pout, wrasse and one lonely pollack..... but not all for each of us!


My total was a measly 47 points!




Had a good day out on Marsel 2 and the first fish over the side since getting the boat, unfortunately the fish wasn't mine, in fact I managed to blank weep.gif The fish finder gave every impression of operating in a swimming pool as far as underwater activity was concerned! I didn't see a lot of action with landing nets on the other boats around us so I assume it wasn't a busy day for others either. A good shake-down session though as it was the first serious (?) fishing trip with the boat.


I will let Clive elaborate on the fact that he caught at least one fish, I don't want to steal his glory wink.gif




I look forward to reading the full details ph34r.gif


Someone must have scratched a few points. there seemed to be plenty of us out there fishing. biggrin.gif


We opted to try offshore and accept any bycatch


We got a few eels but nothing else near the wreck, then we had a few dogs and pout on a bank in the last 90 min.


Charlie biggrin.gif




Awol went west and first drop I was into a fish which turned out to be a Corkwing wrasse, second drop another Corkwing then a long wait sad.gif Dean landed 2 Pollock to 2.5lb and a bream around 1.5lb then nothing. It got decidedly lumpy sick.gif so back round to Swanage bay where it was much more comfortable where I managed to land a Spotted ray. Gave the swash a go on the way in but nothing showing. Also had a Garfish follow my squid bait right up to the boat but it wouldn


The results are as follows :-


Position Points Angler Score

1 20 Pete Russell(Snr) 54

2 19 Alun Jones 47

3 18 Chris Gould 40

4 17 Gordon Moore 35

5 16 Carl Hurren 31

6 15 Charlie Chapman 26

7 14 Martin Burt 22

8 13 Gordon Holt 21

9 12 Paul Dore 16

10 11 Dean Burt 16

11 10 Dan Chapman 12

12 9 Clive Tyler 10

12 9 Neal Sturt 10

12 9 Aaron Murray Junior 10

15 6 Gary Austin 8

16 5 Pete Russel(Jnr) 6

17 4 Rob Francis 4

18 3 John Young 4

19 2 Tony Devine 2

20 1 Charlie Annear 0

20 1 Carol Fox 0

20 1 George Fox Junior 0

20 1 Tom Baker Junior 0

20 1 Jim Davies 0

20 1 Steve Davies 0

20 1 Alan Hocking 0

20 1 Craig White 0

20 1 Mrs Craig White 0




Good turn out!! Lets hope we can keep it up throughout the year!


Thanks for the results Paul - I'll submit the first set to Boat Fishing Monthly for the comp.


Keep an eye on it guys and girls - a fully fitted Warrior 165 worth over 16k is top prize this year!!



PBSBAC Comp Secreatry


Had a great day out on alans new boat what a cracker cheers alan,almost makes me want to get a job and come out of retirement only caught doggies,i went out on monday to dancing ledge weather was great when i got there but this great black cloud came over the horizon worst squal i have ever be caught in and ive been in a few then it was back to sunny weather,never had a bite ,so went to old harry nothing their either not even a bite grand total one spider crab so who has nicked all the fish ?



Agreed Adam, Great turnout for pretty c**p weather! Imagine how many would fish if the wind had eased and more fish were about!


You can tell we have just had a bad run of weather.



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