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Bob and I have worked hard this week.... now the evenings have been drawing in, flood lights in the boat tent have been the order of the week as we burn the midnight oil to get the engine and engine bay ready for the big push....


Charlie and Dan turn up at 9am this morning to help with the effort and at 11am the lorry from work arrives with the HiAb to crane the expensive lump in. After a minor stress the 16 ton lorry sqeezes down our tight lane and amazingly fits up my drive to the waiting boat.


Anyway the piccies below tell the story, but 3 hours later and the big empty engine bay has a spanking 190hp Volvo in there and my workshop has a big hole!


No problems, no issues, just like clockwork. Nice! Many, many thanks to Alex our driver from Build Center in Salisbury, and Charlie and Dan for their help today - we would have struggled without you!


That's the biggie out of the way - a week or so for the upholstry and a few more for finishin touches and the Nov target will loom into view!!


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Hi Guys


Dan and I were very happy to help you out on Sat, it was nice of you to arrange a sunny day biggrin.gif


The willingness and flexibility of the driver/Hiab operator helped with everything but Bobs nerves. sad.gif [jokes about old strops and test dates for the chain block did not help]


But apart from the nervous rechecking of a few things as we went along [and just afterthe crane left unsure.gifblink.gif ] it all went very well


Please thank Rach again for lunch.


Are all the auxilleries now on? and when do you fire her up for her first run?



Charlie biggrin.gif


Yep, all the auxillaries are now on and the ECU, etc hooked up.


Turned the starter key to position 1 for the first time and all the instruments lighted up as expected (hoped!). Also successfully went through the software down load and initialization, so we're ready for blast off and the first engine start-up this weekend.


Fingered crossed.


If there's a mini black hole detected near Shaftsbury it will be nothing to do with CERN. blink.gifph34r.gif






If there's a mini black hole detected near Shaftsbury it will be nothing to do with CERN. blink.gif ph34r.gif


what is she powered by then?! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


hope all goes well!


who has got the lucky (you hope...) job of turning the key?




It's taking all my self control NOT to turn the key to postion 2. sad.gif


Haven't thought about who will do the key turning. This might be the start of our first conflict of opinions. biggrin.gif


I guess we will have to toss a coin...although Adam is probably better with the fire extinguisher!! rolleyes.gif

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