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reading over on the evil twin (WSF laugh.gif ) theres a fair amount on leaders for boat fishing, in both the articles and forum posts!


just wondering who actually uses a leader attached to braid? and is it worth it?


I used to have one, but lost it in a major snag (aaaaages ago now), and have never felt the need to replace it :S I usually fish a ledger with a zipslider running up the mainline (braid).




my view,

light fishing on clean ground- no leader


heavy fishing wreck or rough ground- leader


the knot that tom recommended has proved to be ideal. not sure how to link it but if you look back through my posts you should find it.


cheers andy




Others may well fish braid throughout but I always without question attach a leader.


Braid is soo soo much thinner and more expensive than mono. Braid does not stand up to knocks and abrasion to well also it does not stretch. The idea of a leader is to save abrasion on the braid. When the mono becomes damaged you simply cut it off and attach another leader, no braid lost. This not ony saves money but also introduces a little stretch to act as a slight cushion when a fish runs, you still obviously have to set your clutch as normal. Braid has almost zero stretch and if not fished correctly can lead to lost fish due to hooks being pulled out. if using braid throughout set your clutch with slightly less drag than fishing with mono to allow for lack of stretch.


Hope that makes sense








I agree with others that leaders on braid are a must.


We have been using 40lb lNylon eader on the 30lb braid, but over recent trips it has been getting frayed and we have lost some fish when the pressure is on, so we have upped the strength to 60 or 70 lb


the length used is enough to get a few turns on the spool then go up through the rings and back to the reel, mainly because I like the knot on the spool when the fish is alongside the boat for netting.


Charlie biggrin.gif


thanks for that guys! speedy response!


I think ill add a leader of 40lb, as per charlies advice, as im not fishing wrecks, or for conger, and dont really want to faff about changing it for everywhere i go!


now the killer question : what brand! laugh.gif


already using 25lb black amnesia for smaller hook snoods ( below 2/0 ), so might just get some more of this, or any other reccomendations : greased weasel / shops ownbrand / Penn tuffs stuff etc..... any others?






Amnesia is fine although no need to use such heavy mono on small hooks. I use 25lb when bassing with 4/0 - 6/0 hooks 30;b if pollocking or coding with the same size hooks and would drop down to 16lb when using hooks below 2/0. Fishing in the harbour for flatties 10lb is sufficient for most situations





no need to use such heavy mono on small hooks. I use 25lb when bassing with 4/0 - 6/0 hooks 30;b if pollocking or coding with the same size hooks and would drop down to 16lb when using hooks below 2/0. Fishing in the harbour for flatties 10lb is sufficient for most situations


I dnt really fish for flatties (well never have yet.... ) and that would mean i need to buy even more line! sad.gif I stick to the 25lb stuff as its supple enough ( methinks :S), and isnt too fiddly for tying knots!




Amnesia is fine


did you mean this as use the 25lb amnesia as a shockleader?




Ditto with Dan and others.............but it has to be really rough ground.


Alternative......... use a paternoster rig on the end of the braid when in the rough stuff.... eg. on the Ledge or over the Patch.




I never used to use a leader, but regularly checked the last few yards and cut off any damaged bit, and to be honest, I've never had a problem with breakages.


However, recently I have started using them but I find one big snag. WEED, especially in the Solent. Without fail, it snags on the knot and I go through some anxious moments trying to clear it when (on the rare occasion!) I have a decent fish on.


So I guess I am not wholly convinced yet!


Re hook lengths, I now use flurocarbon from 10 to 30lbs then some cheap, but excellent, 50lb clear, then 100lb Suffix clear, and finally 250lb stuff for the big long boys


I've tried to simplify things over the years and that's as far as I can take it.


Interesting thread though!




in my last catch report from last week, i remember writing about how i got cut off by a decent fish whilst out on the ledge. I had no leader ohmy.gif but that was the first time i had been ever been cut off.





Its very unpleasant trying to tee bar off an eel or any sizable fish at the side of the boat if your crew are not using mono leaders. The braid will cut your flesh to the bone if not wearing gloves. The smaller diameters are too thin to pull with a straight line in your hand and you will end up putting a couple of wraps around your hand to get some sort of grip and this could prove dangerous.


I insist my crew use mono leaders in all but the lightest of fishing situations and still retain all of my fingers!!






al, i havnt had a problem t-bar-ing eels off without using a leader. i just grab the mono trace..................but that may be easier for me because my boat only sits just above the waterline so the trace is easy to reach.


Leaders Always!!


TBH - Their isnt a valid reason I can see not to use them. I even use a very light 6lb mono leader on my mullet rod. For me the big advantages are the little bit of stretch they give when a fish is close to the boat, extra abrasion resistance where it really matters and something a bit more tactile at the business end on which to construct your end tackle.


I never use expensive low diameter leader - a bulk spool of 30lb mono lasts a couple of seasons and is cheap eneough to change every few trips.




I agree with Adam


Leaders all the time ,


But be prepared to modify the length depending upon the conditions.


Long Leaders leaving Knot on reel as Charlie likes is my norm however if there's weed around this increases risk of weed jamming in top eye with the added risk of fish loss due to lack of control bringing it to net.


In this case I would shorten leader considerably to allow fish to be netted before braid knot and weed hit top eye.


I normally have a variety of coloured mono for leaders and use a different colour on each rod.I find this helps when fishing multiple rods and clearing the inevitable tangle .


Please don't wrap braid around hand you'll regret it weep.gifweep.gif



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