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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well with such a glorious day forecast for Monday it would have been rude not to, so Bob, Alun and I hatched a plan to take JV down West to the Shambles, 1) to have a crack an these early plaice we've been hearing of and 2) to give JV a long range shakedown in prep for Alderney in 6 weeks - it was ideal as similar fishing, the same crew onboard and a good 70 mile round trip.


The day would have started great if the High pressure hadnt held the LW back, so our planned 7am start became 8am, but apart from that it was the perfect way to spend a Monday morning - listening to the radio reporting long jams on the local routes as we cruised at 22 knots on a glass like sea in the early morning sun.... tongue.gif


The fishing was poor really - the first drift looked promising with a 5lb cod to Al and me dropping what I'm 90% was a good flatty, but that was about as good as it got - I had another cod on drift 4, and then a pair of pollock of a nearby wreck - Al then finished the afternoon with another couple of cod - nice, but not spectacular and no target species.


Another great run home just catching LW in the marina with 10 mins to spare. rolleyes.gif


JV was pleasing yet again - a great platform and handled the long run very well with 3 onboard - really looking forward to 1st May now!




Well done Guys


Nice to hear that all is good, how did the fuel consumption compare to prediction?


I am sure you are not as dissapointed with 4 cod as you sound Adam


what size were the pollack?



Martin I am sure by the time the season comes to life so will AWOL

From talking to Dave your engine may have been under power for a while, so there may be no way to keep up with AWOL soon


Charlie biggrin.gif


Yeah - dont get me wrong cod are always welcome - but spotties we were after!


Fuel consumption - good question, still getting to know her. Starting to really appreciate how much effect tide and conditions have on a bigger boat. My smaller previous boats have been light and able and have skipped over the waves, as well as much sorter trips. It was noticable yesterday how we would drop up to 3 knots when pushing the tide.


Anway - we covered about 65 miles and used roughly 65-70 ltrs of fuel (will know more accurate when we fill up again next)


So basically just over 1 ltr per mile with 3 up. How does that compare to AWOL / Alfresco et all?


If they dont hurry up and sort the engine out soon there will be no boat left to fit it in, I have cleaned it and polished it so much the fibreglass must be wearing thin!!! blink.gif


Nice and shiny though, best get your sunglasses out when she finaly makes it back out on the water biggrin.gif

If they dont hurry up and sort the engine out soon there will be no boat left to fit it in, I have cleaned it and polished it so much the fibreglass must be wearing thin!!! blink.gif


Nice and shiny though, best get your sunglasses out when she finaly makes it back out on the water biggrin.gif



If you are worried that your boat is wearing out you would be welcome to polish mine....


I'll buy you coffee at the cafe.

...Lunch even? smile.gif


...and my contribution to the catch on JV... half a dozen Launce on feathers. weep.gif


But then I wasn't fishing for Cod or Pollack. I was refusing any bites except for the target species, Plaice. ph34r.gif


So there!! tongue.gif



So basically just over 1 ltr per mile with 3 up. How does that compare to AWOL / Alfresco et all?

Well that depends on a lot of variables. Awol will burn between 15 and 25 litres per hour. Cruising speed is between 20 & 22 knots so would work out similar to JV. Tide, wind wave heights all make a difference to consumption. I like you never used to worry about tides etc as Maverick used to skim over the wave tops but larger boats don't meaning the variables make a big difference



So basically just over 1 ltr per mile with 3 up. How does that compare to AWOL / Alfresco et all?


I'd be chuffed to bits if Quest II would manage that.

It is the one big downside to the semi displacement, shaft drive boat.

They are very juicy in comparison.


At about 16 knots in zero conditions either for or against she will run at about 1.5ltr mile.


Alfresco is just a bit more per mile


we are usually 4 up and fairly well filled with fuel and water


with the tide on a good day just over 1 ltr mile


on a choppy day and against tide it could be 1.5 or more



Last weekend pushed the tide both ways plus some drifting used 1.5/mile




Keep polishing the boat Dean, I am sure Dad apperciates the help.


So basically just over 1 ltr per mile with 3 up. How does that compare to AWOL / Alfresco et all?

Just to confirm the fuel penalty with a SD hull (admittedly going over 4 tonnes), Marsel 2 uses around 2 litres per NM in typical F3-F4 on-the-nose weather cruising at 16 knots or so. Probably less difference when it gets lumpy though and speed comes down.


65 miles is a short trip going to, from and drifting the shambles?


About 8 miles to Durlston from the marina, then 17 miles to the Shambles - total 25 miles out - about 15 miles running up and down the bank during the day and 25 miles back.


To be honest it wasnt bad at all - the flat sea helped, but I wouldnt shy off a couple of trips a year down there. I'd like the tide in our favour rather than against next time though.


" That may not be a fair exchange......you havent seen what he can eat and dare I say drink


Martin "



He'd be too busy polishing for much food or drink.


I hate polishing ! ! !


Never mind, Only a few years and the Grand Children can do it !




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