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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Posted (edited)

Right chaps and chapess's....


I didnt get one catch form emailed over, so had to sit and do them all for you... wink.gif maybe need to look at a better way of doing it... anyway!


Thanks to all who fished. We had 20 booked in and 13 results back. It seemed a tough comp, and was very interesting to look at some of the scores. Rich for example came second with 4 pollock, 4 mack and 3 gurnard - loads of you caught these species, but getting just a few extra made the differance - as Neil showed who won with a catch of 4 mack, 4 pollock, 3 wrasse and 4 pout. Well done Neil.


The prize is a

Edited by Adam F

Ditto Charlie's comments Adam.


Now ! anyone who's a bit sensitive, cover your ears ! ! !



Small Fry - 3rd place

Of course - it was pure skill on my part. biggrin.gif


I enjoyed it.


Thanks Gents.




Thanks Adam,


The Rich referred to is Richard Channing - Dixc on forum -he's not a club member. Maybe that will persuade him to join!!


Also - I had trouble finding a copy of the form or the rules for that matter. the only form I have dates back to when Charlie was Fish recorder blink.gif


Could someone

a - pin the comp rules in the forum

b = pin the species score sheet







Small Fry - 3rd place

Of course - it was pure skill on my part. biggrin.gif


I enjoyed it.


Thanks Gents.



Wouldn't that be second, as Rich isn't a club member?



Well done Jim on your second place - I'm glad you couldn't follow me through the rough stuff otherwise maybe your first PBSBAC competion win.


I'm sure it will happen sooner rather than later, although I hope you follow me into second place on next months open comp!


I fish species comps in a number of place around the UK with members of the Police (not the rock band!). Their score sheets list Pout and Poor Cod together but other mini species do not count, however, on other species hunts Poor Cod is listed separately and mini species do count.


Basically- whatever the club rules are is what counts. If members want it changed then let the commitee know prior to the AGM.


Anyway, I enjoy the challenge presented by that particular comp and I used only 1 type of (secret) feathers all day. (Actually I lost 3 sets of them in the process)


I caught around 60 Pollock in total - fishing mostly in places I have never fished before.








I've cancelled your lessons



Bu**er off !


No you haven't


I need to catch some Eating Bass


Jac says if she wanted sprats, she could get them from Greenslades!


Jim ( & Jac )


Congatulations on the second place Jim! I wish I could have joined you, it sure would have beat doing a house clearance rainy yorkshire!


Roll on the eating bass...



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