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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Everyone,


I have recently joined the club have been along to a coupe of meets which have been very enjoyable and worthwile.


I have a 16th Explorer 2000 (Warrior Type) with 60HP Yamaha based in oakdale Poole, but little knowledge of managing a boat, although have experience of fishing from boat and shore.


Looking for any assistance and keen to learn re: managing a boat and increasing my fishing knowledge also.






Welcome Rory.


I am sure you have made the correct choice in joining the club. I have forwarded your details to the membership secretary and this time might even beat Martin to set your forum details to "Club Member".


Welcome aboard.



Welcome Rory.......

So much to learn...You have made a good decision to join PBSBAC......the club members are top draw and some are very experienced / knowledgeable....There is also a good number like us that are learning about boat management, safety and angling from our own boats......and loads in between.

In my experience so far....All are happy to help you learn !!


Do you have the boat on a trailer...intending to use slipways or are you thinking of moorings ?

Is your angling knowledge local or otherwise ?


Hope you enjoy the experience !!!




Would be very worthwhile looking out for the courses


Sea Safety

powerboat level 1 & 2

Radio operator




some come up periodically as a club bookings or you might choose to dive straight in with a RNLI or RYA run one.


Also recomend the RNLI sea safety check on you boat..... 'tis free and very informative.






Hi Rory,

actually i have known Rory for a few years as we worked together for a while.


Rory is a very experienced boat fisherman asn we have been out on a few charters together, I am sure Rory would agree that he would benifite being taken out on a couple of members boats to see first hand how its done with some explananations as to why and how.


Then after a few trips maybe one or two of the more experienced members could go out on Rorys boat (which is very nice by the way) whilst he gains in experience and confidence.


I would recomend an RYA sea check mate just for the sake of getting the RNLI involved, we hear they are painless and productive.


See you soon




All, thanks for the replies !


The boat is on a trailor on the front presently on the front garden, which the mrs is well chuffed with! wink.gif I have no plans to have it off a swinging mooring as not keen on the idea of anti fouling the boat.


I will followup the recommendations advised and have indeed thought about doing a course or two.


More than happy to take my boat out with other experienced crew/anglers, but also happy to assist and learn the ropes on other boats too.


Boat has GPS, Fish finder and VHF radio - need some help in using them ! biggrin.gif






Welcome Rory.

Bob F did some cracking GPS and Fish Finder demonstrations a while back.

We may be able to get him to do some again.

He certainly knows his stuff.




cheers Jim,


i have had them working but some knowledge certainly helps !


I have boked in with the RNLI to have the boat checked out,


Also paid my membership today !


cheers all


I don't know what make of GPS / Fish Finder you have.

Lowrance have emulators that you can download and install on your pc.

So you can sit at home and practice.

Visit the website of yours and see if they do something similar.




Thanks Jim,


Just checked ! I have :


Garmin GPS 128

Lowrance X91

Silva S10 (VHF Radio)


For security they aren't left on the boat.


Does anyone else have this kit ? I will check on the net though as you advised...




Hi Rory

We talked a bit at the meeting, if we can sort out a suitable time you're welcome to come out we me. I've got a Worrior 165, so very similar to your boat. Our main problem is that I have trouble getting out at weekends and you work during the week, but we'll see what we can do.


As you've got a VHF radio, you need to do the course and get your certificate. It's well worth doing.




If you want some 1 on 1 advice out on the boat, just give me a shout. I'd be happy to meet you on your boat down in Poole one afternoon and have a play around with anchors, buoys etc in the harbour.


The same goes for anyone else. 07957 829902 or PM me.


Adam biggrin.gif


Brian - that would be great. I am sure we can arrange something.

I'll check out the link and will complete the VHF course.


All out of leave this year, so mid week trips will have to wait til next year weep.gif

But lenty of opportunity I am sure,




Adam, that would be great.

I am sure I could finish early one afternoon, etc. I'll give you a call


Thanks everyone for the offers and I'll be sure to take some up,





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