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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Wedger

    Braid or Mono?

    Well I tried some Berkley Nanofil for casting but sure it would suit other styles particularly deep water jigging and down tiding. Blurb on fleebay etc. Berkley Uni-Filament Nanofil
  2. Wedger

    Uptide rods.

    If you contact Derek (codpiece) on here, he has some for sale.
  3. Sadly, rod caught rarely seen above a pound or so, record I think just short of 4 lbs (channel Islands 1990's). Reported, 2 caught in a commercial net off Freshwater, IoW some years ago 5-6 lbs - both in the same net!!!!
  4. Bit late now but an open discussion when the ban on retention came in, on adding a rule using circle or barbless hooks only might have been useful.
  5. Almost forgot, Snowbee Raptor, also a star and very strong but no bait runner.
  6. Penn Slammer Liveliner come in several sizes and are really tough. Proper sea reel too 😀
  7. Simeon with his first Blue
  8. Wedger


    Blues to begin - more to follow
  9. Wedger


    From the album: Sharking

    80 lb blue shark to chum, Jon on the fly!! Spot on you!!
  10. Wedger


    I think we had 8 Blues, 1 Porbeagle, no mackerel!!! 50 squilion gurnards (3 variations) 4 whiting - one sizable - and a prize for me, first blue 75 then PB 100, first haddock 1.5 then PB 2.5. It's early yet, so for 4 blokes with totally even takes on their own gear!!!!!! THIS WAS PURPLE!!!!!! I am bouncing off the walls........................ anyone know a good 'shrink' 😀
  11. Wedger


    Off Ireland but from this side😀
  12. Wedger


    A brilliant day with friends - unforgettable................. more to follow 😀
  13. From the album: Sharking

    Cracking baby porbeagle for mate Nick 50 lb
  14. From the album: Sharking

    Very feisty girl 100lbs
  15. From the album: Sharking

    75 boated - swallowed stomach first gulp on release
  16. Trouble is they get caught in nets and pots almost as a by-catch but sold as a welcome addition I suspect.
  17. Thank you Chums!
  18. Happy B Day to me!! Ha Ha!!
  19. I know I don't look a day over 59 Terry, Thank you for the compliment. Cheears Trev Less cake, but plenty of scallops, prawns and fillet devon red - followed by ...........wine............................ can't remember......... Cheers Terry
  20. Thank you for all your lovely messages!! Having a great day
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