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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Thank you Stuie Started really well!! Three experience days which are fantastic, lunch at the Pebble Beach bit later and treated myself to a motor Whoop whoop!
  2. Hope you had a good one Jim! Sorry this is late but been away.
  3. Sorry I'm stuck - staffing issue again Apologies Hope you have a successful meeting. Trev
  4. Wedger


    Thank you Jim
  5. Wedger


    Sold, Donation will be made as required!!!!
  6. :blink:   :lol: :lol: 
  7. Wedger

    short trip

    Wow! All too common. Had this on a new LR Defender in 08. Turbo pipe blew off when I gave it some welly up a hill. Not a nice feeling and shakes your confidence.Went round and tightened everything to be sure. Friday car!
  8. What's your budget? - there is sooo much out there. Good main stream. I use Daiwa Saltist for pretty much everything. I have 3 of the older ones in 30 size 6.4:1 and did have a fantastic twin speed, wide body lever drag (got knicked). Both exceptional reels, especially the twin speed 6.3 /3.1:1, for all situations from wrasseing to wrecking, Both these reels cast well. top end Accurate, fin nor avet etc
  9. Happy Birthday Paul.
  10. Happy Birthday Nigel & Mick. Beer required
  11. Well done chaps!!
  12. Very smart Nige!! Your boat looks fantastic!! Similar process going on with mine at the mo including a new, light weight deck!! See you out there for the CODS! Trev
  13. Very smart Brian!
  14. Wedger

    Post Turtle

    Eloquent description of politicians I guess. While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old rancher said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Turtles'.'' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old rancher said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle." The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with." Best explanation of a politician I've ever heard. Sums it up i think !!!
  15. Brian, Would you mind putting me down for a copy please? Just so I can see what I am missing
  16. a bit wriskey isn't it!!
  17. I love it............................. but do you not have anything else to do Bwian??
  18. Very few peeps in UK stock these!! I was lucky and found a bag of 10 on fleebay a few years back but could not find them in UK just now. If Tom wouldn't mind the wait, you can order them from USA, Auz or China. Wonder if Rok Max would have them?? Trev
  19. Happy Buffday Charlie Be Well and Prosper
  20. which picture?
  21. Now I know why I don't read the Daily Mail!
  22. Hi Chapsers, Sorry I',ve missed everyone!! Thank you all so much for the Birthday wishes on here and Facer. Been away to a far place with no signal and no internet so really sorry I haven't responded earlier!!! Thank you all !!! we wus in Zummerzet!! Bless you All!!
  23. Wedger

    Tidying up

    Don't get too excited chaps!!!! Bit of a wet dream as it happens!! Should learn tttttttttttt to keep my trap shut until it happens............ but watch this space!
  24. Wedger

    Tidying up

    Just slipped over on my own snail trail!! And!!! bug@a............ I just ordered my new boat......... Tiddles you do wind me up Ha Ha
  25. Wedger

    Tidying up

    Sniff sniff Got to be honest Jim I sorta shelved the idea for a while BUT! the ember is still burning If there is a proper worthy cause - let them go without question!! - but don't ditch them out of hand as I might still smell the coffee and come around Besides, the written word is a mystical, powerful thing and should not be destroyed without reason.
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