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Everything posted by Wedger

  1. Wedger


    I know its early, and you chaps probably haven't used much Magnet yet but my freezers are bursting . I've got to the point where I'm having to throw material away so any help would be appreciated. Keep in touch.
  2. It's electrical for def. fuel is new, pipes flushed. I have checked for spark at the plugs and there's nothing, so it has to be primary electrical system somewhere???
  3. Started up my outboard for its regular tank run last week, ALL FINE! Tried the very next day to give it a longer run and wouldn't fire at all. No spark from any of the cylinders . Any ideas?
  4. The guy selling this Orkney claims not to have had it afloat. He says he bought it as a 'do-up-er' with a view to getting some fishing in, but his business commitments have prevented him continuing. The engine has apparently been rebuilt by Volvo after going tight whilst left on a mooring for nearly four years unused. New hydraulic hoses, starter, recon alternator, serviced Volvo SX leg. Above the waterline it ain't too bad. (Knackered bow roller).
  5. Well guys. Went to see an Orkney Day Angler 19+ yesterday. Quite a beast compared to my 17 Flyer. Who has experience of the Day Angler 19 and what can you tell me. I really need to know about the inboard version. This one has a 78hp Volvo Penta and Volvo leg. Looks a bit of a beast to launch. Also this one had some bumps and scrapes along the keel and stabilisers that the present owner has just painted over rather than having them fixed properly first! There was a drip or two of water oozing from a couple of these. Any comments? Also to cover up he had fitted a mild steel keelson band. Inside the engine bay you could see the odd star crack in the gel coat obviously were the boat had been bottomed out on the mooring. Comments from the wise please.
  6. Wedger


    My freezers' floweth over
  7. Wedger


    Looks like this idea must have been in my vault of useful tips for some time. Just didn't register that it was available commercially. I'll find an industrial supplier of the net tube. It
  8. Wedger


    Let the ideas flow!!! You can use a smaller version of the plastic net tube they use for protecting bottles in transit. Suggest about 30-50mm expanded, and as long as you want to cut it. You need an extra swivel or stopper on the hook snood. Slip the tube up the hook length and use a cable tie to secure above the stopper. Fill the bag from the hook end and tie off with string or cable tie. This gives you options in any tide (choosing the right size), prevents tangles as it is rigged in-line, and drops the sent right over your hook bait. Presto Almost weed free if neatly rigged and collapses as it dispenses if the bottom tie isn
  9. Wedger


    Thanks Dan. I'll email you. Cheers Wedger
  10. Wedger


    Cheers Chaps If you have a freezer E-mail me for collection!! wedger
  11. Wedger


    There's another wedge of Magnet around at the moment if any members didn't get their trial pack from Martin. Also a few more small ones for the Weymouth ankle biters Billy. Anyone got a freezer or two to sell or pass on? They don't have to be pretty.... Just need to work! My 13.5 packed up... messy job As and when you use Magnet, let me know how it goes. I know it's early yet but any info is good
  12. Thank you to Martin and Billy for collecting The Magnet ! hope all goes well. I'll keep you informed of stock levels.
  13. How do I get my photo to work?
  14. OK chaps I'll try to have a weigh up to see what there is, and in what sized packages. This will be a bit rough and ready for the trial period as I don't want to invest in pretty boxes at all, and the right size and shape boxes only when you guys tell me what is convenient. The value needs to be in the fish you catch not in the smelly box you throw away . I have 5 x 1kg and 2 x 2.5 kg + a 10kg booked for the Weymouth ankle biters. the rest are between 10-20 and a magnum 30kg for the 'Heavy session' Don't forget that the larger the block (shape dependent) melts more slowly weight for weight. Think about the science a bit when deciding your preference Cheers Trevor
  15. Wedger


    Done deal if I've got the space
  16. Wedger


    Anyone out there wish to try a charter sized block..... 30kg. Bring your wheel barrow.
  17. Oops! forgot to log in. Last one was obviously Wedger.
  18. Well chaps I've got a new supply of fish magnet that perhaps some of you would like to try. Have to say it works quite well for me. but I've only used it under few conditions thus far. Feel free to email me if you wish to know more or try some. Bream are on the way!
  19. Just a thought guys but who out there uses groundbait? Now I know all about the usual comments regarding bringing in every doggy in the bay but given the right situation I've made it work quite well. Thanks again to you all for the replies to my upgrade post. Sole searching legwork and coffer scrapping now
  20. Thanks for the welcome chaps As you can tell I am only at the thin end of enquiries about my potential upgrade, and I've purposely left my options wide open thus far. I've not seriously looked at mooring charges yet, and as an ongoing cost this would have to be balanced with 'C.B.A.' I should say realistically that I'm looking for 20-30 knots to make the best of half days and long evenings. Good sea keeping is a must as I will fish when Captain Pugwash is . The yellow bucket at the stern has been used by several eminent guests! So keep it coming chaps..... I need all the advice you can fire at me. Who knows about the Leeward 18' particularly with Merc In. 1.7TD? I've only seen the pics and would like to get alongside one soon.
  21. Hi guys... new kid on the block! I've fished from a Wilson Flyer 17' + 60 horses for the past 4 seasons, from Durlston to the Needles, and quite honestly had a ball! I have a thought to upgrade and most likely to diesel inboard 18-24' ...... BUT WHAT? Some of you chaps will have much more experience of this dilema so give us a idea or two. Don't be inclined to spend too much of my hard earnt. What do you say?
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