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Everything posted by Gas

  1. I would like to thank Dave not only for the invite but a great day on White Magic the biggest surprise has to be the sea state what a lovely day to be out unfortunately only Dave managed a Cod and a 17lb + Ray which was returned. Banter was great all day even when Paul had a good fish on for over five minutes it was a good job I only had this picture as the air went slightly blue. Cod king Nigel took 5th with a nice Cod over 18lb, as said it was great to see other club members at the weigh in. The Wining fish 22lb11oz
  2. Gas

    The Weather

    Just wish this was FUNNY ITS NOT
  3. Tight lines
  4. Al I think I am your man I cook and I will do the dishes I NEVER CATCH MORE THAN THE SKIPPER ?????(Just ask Charlie and Dave) I will bring some West Country cider
  5. Well done Alfie and crew for finding the mark and the fish. Next time i will follow you??????
  6. Without going over everything that has been said regarding the crossing and that horrible fog, the best part of our day was feeding dog fish to the extent that we had to reduce our bait size down for the fear of running out, Jackie and I managed two skinny Cod one 6lb 8oz and one 8lb 1oz. PB Bass 7lb 7 oz which turned a poor day into a great day for me.
  7. 1.) Martin cherritt. 25lb 2 oz, Branco 2.) Mick Barnes 20lb 1oz, 3.) Tony Deavin 11lb 5oz 4.) Charlie Annear 17lb 1oz, AWOL 5.) Toby Randle 7lb 6oz MONDAR 6.) Alfie Tucker 11lb 12 oz Dream Drifter 7.) Stuart Cooper 23lb 12 oz Dream Drifter 8.) Ian Jones 10lb 8 oz Joint Venture 9.) Jackie White 7lb.9oz Abode 10) Craig White 8lb 1 oz Abode
  8. 1.) Ian Jones - JV 2.) Bob F - JV 3.) Alun J - JV 4.) Martin B Awol 5.) Dean B Awol 6.) RobF - JoJo - with non member 7.) Alfie and Stuie on Dream Drifter [defending Champion 2010] bring it on 8.) Graham + non member Little sal. 9.) Charlie A - AWOL 10. Charlie C Alfresco 11. Dan C Alfresco 12. Gordon Moore Alfresco TBC 13 Stuart Summerel Alfresco 14.Nigel Allen. wishin 15.Mike Toms wishin 16.Craig Jackie Abode
  9. Gas

    Sat Cod Hunt

    As Charlie has stated it was a poor day on Alfresco on the fishing front with only one small targeted fish but it was not for the want of trying my son and I left Bristol 4.30am and got back at 8.00pm even though no fish for us except the Whiting Charlie gave me for our tea, it was a glorious day out weather wise and its always great to be on Alfresco with Charlie. Thanks Charlie
  10. Top Man I think its time I compared boats so you must take me out on the next trip
  11. Thanks Rob and Charlie for the comp. And an even bigger thanks to Mick and Dave for their help on the retrieval of my lifting bouy and the loan of the split Alderney ring thanks guys.
  12. Fu***** Ba*****
  13. Yes and you did Chris???????????
  14. Charlie Abode will be out Sat. With Dave as crew hoping to pick up a few fish and pointers?
  15. And I for hope you can mate. Welcome back Terry
  16. Dave and I had about the same as everyone else Doggies all day until we got fed up and pushed out to a bit of rust then we played with some Tope best to Dave 15/20 mark. At least I can say I was afloat on the hottest recorded day in October.
  17. Mick I would say spotted and small eyed.
  18. Have a good one mate just leave some fish for us please
  19. Gas

    Saturday Trip

    Thanks for the chat on the radio Paul as said Jackie and I spent the first two hours feeding Pout then the small Bream took over, followed by the Dog fish. It was great to be out though.
  20. When will the call be Rob?
  21. (2) Abode 11
  22. Abode will out Sunday
  23. Nice one Tom thanks for the report
  24. Fantastic report and pic
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