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Everything posted by Gas

  1. Charlie as others have said you and your crew are tops but it goes to show that even the best can and do get caught out, now you know why I love to buddy Dave on White Magic as he is a man that can be trusted and will put others safety first and the fishing second. So glad you all returned safe and well. Dave you are a true ambassador to this club as I know how hard you tried to help Nigel, when he lost his engine, and the time I made the call as I lost my power steering and you were along side in no time.
  2. Congratulations Rob & family Craig & Jackie
  3. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Tom B - Mrs Sea 5) Greg C - Mrs Sea 6) Terry B - Mrs Sea 7) Martin - AWOL 8) Dean - AWOL 9) Dave- Wight Magic 10) John W - Rosie One 11) Allan Green- Kind of Magic 12} Charlie Alfresco 13) Sam Alfresco 14) Graham Alfresco 15] Will TBC Alfresco 16, Alfie, Dream Drifter 17, Sally, Dream Drifter 18)Nigel,Wishin(inshore) 19) Simon, Island Girl 20) Colin, Boblin 21) Bobi, Boblin 22) Tony Deavin - AWOL 23) Dave S - Crew - unknown boat as yet 24) Craig Abode 25) Jackie Abode
  4. abode will put her nose out side the harbour figgers crossed
  5. Gas

    Happy 21st Sam

    nice one sam glad you had a good one Green armey
  6. Gas

    Wishin update

    Niggle Niggel Niggle how much more sh*t can you take mate hope to be fishing with you soon, all the best mate
  7. Charlie you need me OH Sh*t no passport Sorry couldent resist
  8. Yes please John. Will arrange to pick when I next use the slip. Craig
  9. Great report Dave
  10. What a great report Peter may I say it was great meeting you and Mat and look forward to seeing you guys again. Ps if we come down your way I will post you. Craig
  11. Sorry to everyone who wasn
  12. Neil personnes Bristol devrait pas besoin de passeport pour visiter n'importe quel pays de notre place et que pour le pont, que cela d
  13. Adam I would love to make this trip as I know you may need an interpreter and as everyone knows I speak fluent French, but I don
  14. What a great weekend yet again in very good company a great time and great food. I thought the starter at the Harbour Lights was lovely (thanks to Terry for all his hard work) we had a great crack mainly at my expense and some good fish, my son and I bagged 12 Turbot largest to Ashley 7lb 2 Pollock. The only downside was the crossing and THE return home was 7 hours of hell , at no time was I concerned over our safety as I have every confidence in Abode I really believe its not only the size of your boat but size to weight ratio. Abode only weighs 1.5 ton and she tries to sit on the top all the time and in big seas its hard work, I could have Easily kept up with others but that would have made it even worse for my son and I, as we left the harbour I made the decision to plod home 7 8 knots but for seven hours it was no fun, would I go again YES YES but only on a better forecast. Abode used 88 ltrs for the trip over and the afternoon on the banks. The full day on the banks we used 33ltrs Saturday and the return trip we used 94 ltrs Total 215ltrs so pretty good I think. PS if any one now requires French lessons I am now fluent as proven on the jetty with the Chapman family. Also would like to thank our new chairman Tony for the speech and presentation of the trophy which I have now back in my possession. And the last thanks goes to every skipper and crew for their constant update on the weather and their concerns for our safety TA! Craig
  15. Abode will be at the 6.30 bridge lift yep pee
  16. Gas

    Wishin update

    Well done Colin let me know how get on Nigel.
  17. Gas


    I need a cheap upright fridge freezer which I can collect in Poole or very close. Ta! Craig
  18. Yes I know that Rob
  19. Unable to make the meeting Thursday so hope the meeting for the Sunday will still go a head.
  20. Gas

    Wishin update

    Nigel Been in Poole for week so no internet access very alarmed at the issues you have had, would it not be possible to install a inter cooler and fan can you PM me your home and mob number so I can stay on top of this. Ta! Craig.
  21. Terry B: Crab Cocktail, ribeye steak. Duncan : crab cocktail, ribeye Dave Samuel: Cream of Asparagus Soup, Ribeye steak Tom B: Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak Rob F: Crab Cocktail, Chicken Brie Adam F: Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak John W: Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak Alun J : Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak Martin B: Crab cocktail, Ribeye Steak Dean B: Crab cocktail, Ribeye Steak (very predictable!!) Tony D : Pate and Ribeye steak Dave E; Crab cocktail, ribeye steak Ben ;Crab cocktail, ribeye steak Gordon H ; Crab cocktail, ribeye steak Greg C ; Crab cocktail, Bass Craig Crab coctail Ribeye [Medium Rare] Ashley Crab coctail Ribeye [Medium Rare] Paul D ; Pate, Ribeye Steak ( Medium ) Steve S Charlie (MH & HL) Crab cocktail, Ribeye steak [medium rare] Sam (MH & HL) Pate, Chicken Breast. Dan (MH & HL) Pate, Ribeye [Medium Rare] Will (MH & HL)Crab Cocktail,Bass Peter Crab Cocktail, Ribeye Steak (rare) Mathew Cream Of Apsparagus, Sirloin Steak (rare]
  22. Gas

    Abode 11

    Sunday it is. Plan A will be to start on the patch and work our way down to the ledge
  23. Gas

    Abode 11

    Martin our intentions were to do the Cowes weekend and we still might????????? But I need to run Abode out and make sure we can still catch fish on her. Nigel if we don
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