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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Blown away Adam! What a talented guy, well done for all your hard work she looks truly amazing. I haven't been on here for a while as my little ones took me in a different direction, makes me want to get back out there again... Enjoy!!!!
  2. Thanks Jim. She has now sold to a lovely local family. I am really sad to see her go but know she is in safe hands!
  3. I am now looking for best offers.
  4. Sorry Charlie, only just seen your post. I definitely will keep the membership going and hope I will get the odd chance to get out crewing. Cheers Simon
  5. Hi Jim, unfortunately I'm giving up for a while. Both the little one have taken up other activities which means I'm only likely to get out a handful of times each year max. Cheers
  6. Simon

    New Boat

    Well done on selling small fry. Like the new boat, looks nice and easy to launch!
  7. Hi guys, unfortunately I haven't had chance to read the forum lately. Hope you are well and having a successful years fishing. My beloved Kelt White Shark 205 (Club Edition) is just not getting used as much as she should, I have only managed to get out 4 time since last August. Sadly she has to go. She had a brand new Yamaha four stroke 150hp engine F150AETX fitted for the 2010 season (she only done 149 hours) Also included is a 2008 twin axel fully rollered road trailer with hitch and brakes. The trailer has not been in the sea as she on dry stack. I'm told by the previous owner that the Raymarine navtronics pack originally cost over
  8. Hello guys, Jim. Good luck with the sale m8. I bet that was a hard decision but one I can understand. I've only managed to get out twice myself since last August. Amazing how much time the little ones take up. Your welcome to have a ride on island girl anytime. Good luck!
  9. And I thought I was still young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I think I'm having a midlife crisis! Anyway I managd to upload a vid from the phone taken last night. http://www.youtube.com/user/simytrader?feature=mhee it's a start! Simon
  10. Got the new phone this morning . Absolutely love it!!!! Great thanks a lot for the heads up Only problem... for the first time ever I'm now feeling old! how the hell do I use it!!! Went with o2 in the end. Phone was free but I only managed to bag 300mins calls, 500MB data & unlimited txts for
  11. Thanks guys. That's a great help Kam, I'm now 110% sold on the galaxy s2. I'm in the Purbecks which unfortunately knocks out Tmobile/orange. I think it will have to be O2 but will look into 3, thanks Jim. Nice phone can't wait. Simon
  12. Thought this may interest some of you. Groupon are offering half price tickets. http://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/bournemouth.../493407/.vPXO6t (if you use this link I'll get
  13. Hi guys, my mobile has given up the ghost. I'm looking for a new handset but not sure what to go for. I'm looking for a good camera phone. I'm tempted to go for the N8 as it's got a 12 mp camera and 720p video. Has anybody got one? Is it any good? Cheers Simon
  14. Good luck Alun, I'm rooting for you! Come on bassy bassy bassy... Simon
  15. Thanks Charlie. Just had a short couple of hours in the harbour as I didin't fancy getting wet and the lure of wimbledon got the better of me. Go Murray!!! - 1 set up currently. Simon
  16. I'm dropping the little ones one off at school and nursery and then heading straight out. No firm plan on where to go yet but if anybody would like a trip out give me a shout. Simon 07745836342
  17. Simon


    Good luck Toby, I'm sure he'll be beaming from ear to ear. Simon
  18. Simon


    No probs, thanks Charlie. Will call you next time. Looks like the forecast has changed since I looked yesterday. It's gone from clear skies to fog.
  19. Simon


    I'm looking to go out on Sunday. If anybody still has space, I would love to go out as crew on a wrecking trip to see how it's done. (Never been on one!) Hint hint Charlie If I can't find a crew space then I'll be out very early on Island Girl, dawn is at 04.10. I'd like to try to get out as close to that as possible, if anybody would like to join me give me a shout. Simon
  20. Simon

    Good Call

    Great stuff guys, certainly was the right call. Gusting 38 knots in the harbour at the moment. I wouldn't like to be out in that! Sound like you all had a good tip, cool. Looking forward to seeing your pics. Simon
  21. I'm going out anyway but if anybody fancies a trip out, drop me a text or call 07745836342. Aiming to leave rockley at 5am and come back early afternoon. Cheers Simon
  22. Hi, got a friend of a friend who's looking for a swing moring for a 19ft bilge keel. Does anybody have any idea on who's likely to have any free at this time of year and how much should he expect to pay? Cheers Simon
  23. Not long to go now. Just trying to find the specimen sizes. I found the one from the 2010 open. Is it still current? Cheers Simon
  24. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Tom B - Mrs Sea 5) Greg C - Mrs Sea 6) Terry B - Mrs Sea 7) Martin - AWOL 8) Dean - AWOL 9) Dave- Wight Magic 10) John W - Rosie One 11) Allan Green- Kind of Magic 12} Charlie Alfresco 13) Sam Alfresco 14) Graham Alfresco 15] Will TBC Alfresco 16, Alfie, Dream Drifter 17, Sally, Dream Drifter 18)Nigel,Wishin(inshore) 19) Simon, Island Girl
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