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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Name for new boat

    I like it!!! made me smile!
  2. Jim, thanks for a great day on Sunday although it was bloody cold! and thanks to Dave for the flounder lesson, he certainly knows his stuff. I'll be eating flounder for the next month! Not complaining... had some last night and it was lovely! Thanks again guys
  3. Great news Skipper! I'm really looking forward to it, I've never caught a flounder before! Hope I'm not being too optimistic.
  4. Thanks for the PM Jim. Count me in please I hope the weather plays ball!
  5. I never expected to find myself wanting to go out in December... but then, I never realised the prizes could be so good! I'm definately hooked.
  6. With the recent posts no wonder you've to be quick on the mark! I'll be hitting the refresh button all day tomorrow just in catch anybody else has got space for one (rather than 2). Sorry Craig, I not trying to jump the queue.
  7. Simon


    Thanks for the call on Saturday Jim, wise call. I didn't fancy freezing my nads off!
  8. Simon


    Jim, anywhere I can catch something I can eat sounds good to me!
  9. Simon


    Sounds good to me Jim! Charlie, gusting 27mph , I will pray tonight and hope its changed by tomorrow.
  10. October 2008 so should be reasonably close. http://www.aqwd60.dsl.pipex.com/CAP_Honda_October_2008.pdf
  11. That's a great price Paul. I think you'll get a lot more bidders at that price, well I hope for you. The CAP Black Book suggest about
  12. What top day! If you know anybody selling RED LETTER DAYS like this please let me know - I want to be at the front of the queue!!!!!
  13. Thanks Coddy. I was wondering how to change this.
  14. Thanks Charlie. I also just got an email.
  15. Thanks guys. I haven't changed anything but it now seems to be working again.
  16. Hi, up until about a week ago I use to receive an email if anybody sent me a pm or replied to a thread in which I'd posted. All of a sudden this has stopped. I don't think I changed anything. Any suggestions??? Thanks Simon
  17. Yes, I loved the write up Tom, great read. Simon
  18. Simon

    Get Knotted

    Hi, can somebody please pass on my apologies, work is a real pain at the moment and I can't make it tonight! Thanks, Have a good one! Simon
  19. I'll see you there Jim. Although not sure what they will have within my budget, which at the lower end of the scale. I'll be looking out for those credit cruncher deals Tom was talking about. Good luck to you all for Sunday.
  20. Don't think it was as bad as Trawlermen which aired one BBC1 tonight where they returned an entire catch dogs an then cod I think.
  21. I haven't seen the it yet. To be honest, before I joined I hadn't given much thought to a lot of the points raised within the club on conservation/sustainability/dispatching etc... having been brought up in France until my early teens and then on to Spain, they certainly didn't seem to have the same respect as far as I recall. It's great that the club raises the profile of these issues. I use to enjoy spearfishing as a teenager and always though of it as giving the fish a sporting chance... well in fact a GREAT sporting chance as I never managed to catch many. Now, if I ever did this again I would certainly dispatch any catch asap and as for gaffing and returning, shocking!!! I can't see any excuse for that. I do wonder were the line is drawn on dispatching though? For instance, why dispatch a bass but not mackerel? I am yet to understand the difference.
  22. Simon


    Try this one Jim Albright Knot
  23. Sounds good to me.
  24. Thank you Charlie, I like I like! This will definately have to be part of my educational viewing to improve my angeling skills!!! Who knows what I will landing at the end of my rod after watching this.
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