I can relate to that even though I only live in Ringwood ....
a) trip to boat 45 mins
fuel up, load up and get into water 20 mins
c) trip from Rockley through harbour to entrance 40 mins
d) trip to mark and "getting set" to fish time.....
plus ....Add the level of family and home commitments, the preference for crew, the necessary weather and tide windows.
Because of the above and particularly the weather (so unpredictable, planning is difficult) I have been out a total of 15 times so far this year. Most of those have been "solo" and sometimes for as little as 2 hrs fishing for a lot of effort....
Fishing has not been very good for me this year .... hoping things improve!!!
I was a late starter at the boat owning and fishing too ... loads to learn and so little time to do it.