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Everything posted by biggcol

  1. 1) Adam F - Bass - 9lb 12oz 2) Alun J 3) Paul Jennings - nothing wieghed, tope circa 35lb 4) Charlie Chapman 5) Dan Chapman 6) Jon Parker (Soleman) 7) Colin Francis - Bream - 2lb 2oz 8) Bobi Francis - Garfish - 1lb 9) Gordon Holt 10) Terry Bartell 11) Dean 12) Martin 13) Paul F 14) Paul D 15) Dave Evans - Ling - 22lb 16) Peter Senior 17) Duncan Mackie 18) Neal Sturt 19)Craig/Gas 20) andy garrett - bass- 7llb8oz 21)Will Summerell 22)Stuart Summerell 23)Helen D ( Webmistress ) 24) Allan Mac 25)Rupe Morrall 26)Carl Hurren 27)Aaron Murray 28) Tom Bettle - Conger Eel - 67lb
  2. 1) Adam F 2) Alun J 3) Paul Jennings 4) Charlie Chapman 5) Dan Chapman 6) Jon Parker (Soleman) 7) Colin Francis 8) Bobi Francis
  3. Hi all I missed the meeting on Thur (work) so couldn't ask these questions. How do we go about booking in and paying ? What is the format for this comp is it biggest fish, best specimen or bag ? I am sure someone out there will have the answers Colin
  4. biggcol


    Mick I didn't mention your name you should have kept quiet. Colin
  5. biggcol


    I saw a club member(no names mentioned) fill his boot, and it wasn't his welly!!!!!
  6. biggcol

    Maiden voyage

    Hi Chris We will be about over the weekend give a shout if we can be any help. Chn 06 Boblin. We are moored on the quomps. Cheers Colin and Bobi
  7. Bob if you look on my gallery there is even a picture of one for you to see.
  8. Just for the sceptics and to support Pete Russel jnr. I have seen this little Blondes with my own eyes. Blonde hedgehogs have a rare recessive gene giving rise to beady, button-black eyes and attractive creamy-coloured spines; they are not strictly speaking albino. They are extremely rare except on the Channel Island of Alderney and are nicknamed "Alderney Spike Girls". A population of around a thousand is believed to exist. They allegedly carry no fleas, and are a localised island variant of Erinaceus europaeus. A low coverage assembly of the genome of Erinaceus europaeus was released by the Broad Institute in June 2006 as part of the Mammalian Genome Project.[4] [edit] Protection list
  9. Hi Trev We would like one too please Cheers Colin n Bobi
  10. Count us in. We will be there. Colin and Bobi
  11. Do we have the final results yet
  12. Good luck to you all wish I was going to my favourite island too. Will enjoy a bit of breaming here instead. Take care in the Swinge. Colin and Bobi
  13. Good luck Martin we really hope you make it. Wish we were going too, not had a drink in the Lights for a couple years. If Howard is still there try the ribs. Colin and Bobi
  14. Thanks for that, but what happened to the good old standby of UNCLASSIFIED
  15. Adam Our results seem to be missing for BOBLIN Bobi had 4 Ballans, 1 LSD and 1 Pollack Colin (me) had 4 Ballans, 4 LSD, 1 Gar, 1 Pout, and 1 Scorpionfish My internet has been down but i did send a text with the results Cheers Colin Ps can someone just confirm it is 4 of each species cos we did have more of the same
  16. Have just pm'd you Colin
  17. He still cant cast thought he would have had some practice since the last series. He also managed to change reels twice whilst playing a Sturgeon (clever that eh?). Sod him the venues are fantastic!!! Colin
  18. biggcol

    Trot Mooring

    Thanks Martin it must be my age Cheers Colin
  19. biggcol

    Trot Mooring

    Thanks Neal will have chat next meeting. Is there a meeting this month or is it just the AGM.
  20. Should be no probs cos kids all left home no grand kids (yet), And she who must be obeyed also fishes. Colin P.S. Just earned some Go anywhere anytime passes using my flytying skills Whip finishing a necklace for her (that's what he thinks, Bobi )
  21. I DON'T !!!!!!! Colin
  22. biggcol

    Trot Mooring

    Thanks for that Darrell I only draw 11" so should be ok. I had thought of having a try with my chesties but petesnr is lending me a dinghy til I can find a really cheap(really really cheap) one. Colin
  23. biggcol

    Trot Mooring

    Our mooring is Q8 which is at the bandstand row 1. Our boat is a Hardy 17 fisher. Thanks for the info I am sure things will be ok it's just first time nerves. Looking forward to getting her wet. Colin
  24. biggcol

    Trot Mooring

    I shall be putting my boat in at Christchurch very soon and will be mooring on a Trot at the Quomps.This will be the first time I have moored on a trot. Are there any pit falls I should be aware of e.g. do I need to leave slack if so how much etc. etc. Colin
  25. Thanks for all the welcome messages we are looking forward to getting out there and meeting you all especially the Christchurch crews. It looks like we will be nieghbours Wedger as we are also on the Quomps by the bandstand. We should be in the water in the next few weeks so please make yourself known if you see us. Colin
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