Subject: Poole Harbour kayaking/canoeing quesitonnaire for VALMER
As a known kayaker/canoer of Poole harbour, I would like to invite you to fill out the Dorset Coast Forum's Poole Harbour kayaking/canoeing questionnaire created as part of the VALMER project.
As a thank you for taking the time to fill this out, we would like to offer you the chance to enter into the free prize draw to win £125 in vouchers redeemable at the National Trust or a local watersports company in Poole.
To access the questionnaire - For further information about the project -
If you know of other kayakers/canoers that use Poole Harbour, please forward this email on to them.
With best wishes, Alex Potter Project Officer Dorset Coast Forum Tel: +44 (0) 1305 221698 Email:
Do you kitesurf, windsurf, jetski, waterski/wakeboard, kayak/canoe or birdwatch in Poole Harbour? We are collecting data as part of the VALMER project over spring/summer 2013 and want your views for all coastal and water recreation activities on the Dorset coast.
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