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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Paul J

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Everything posted by Paul J

  1. Subject: Poole Harbour kayaking/canoeing quesitonnaire for VALMER As a known kayaker/canoer of Poole harbour, I would like to invite you to fill out the Dorset Coast Forum's Poole Harbour kayaking/canoeing questionnaire created as part of the VALMER project. As a thank you for taking the time to fill this out, we would like to offer you the chance to enter into the free prize draw to win £125 in vouchers redeemable at the National Trust or a local watersports company in Poole. To access the questionnaire -http://tinyurl.com/kayakingsurvey2013 For further information about the project - http://www.dorsetforyou.com/poole-harbour-surveys If you know of other kayakers/canoers that use Poole Harbour, please forward this email on to them. With best wishes, Alex Potter Project Officer Dorset Coast Forum Tel: +44 (0) 1305 221698 Email: a.potter@dorsetcc.gov.uk www.dorsetforyou.com/valmer Do you kitesurf, windsurf, jetski, waterski/wakeboard, kayak/canoe or birdwatch in Poole Harbour? We are collecting data as part of the VALMER project over spring/summer 2013 and want your viewshttp://www.dorsetforyou.com/poole-harbour-surveys http://www.icoast.co.uk for all coastal and water recreation activities on the Dorset coast. Follow us on Facebook iCoast and Twitter @iCoastDorset from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2
  2. Paul J


    Try using it Rob
  3. Paul J


    Had mine about 9 years worth of trouble free use- still very happy and would get another- many more expensive horror stories about 4 strokes than you'll get about etecs PJ
  4. Terrible news about Boston - http://boston.cbslocal.com/ I'm flying to Boston in 6 weeks on route to Cape Cod PJ
  5. Wrap it with pipe lagging and cable ties, it will provide some cushioning to lean against and you can stick your hooks/lures in it too PJ
  6. Tuna feeding- need a bigger boat https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=213255448816514&set=vb.145893765552683&type=2&theater
  7. Paul J


    Just renewed my membership so you're stuck with me for another year If you've not done it yet it's easy- http://www.pbsbac.co.uk/ipb/topic/7703-join-the-club-or-renew-your-membership-here/ Lets make Brian and Martins job easier by getting this done on time- its a pain chasing people and having to lock and unlock access to the forum Cheers PJ
  8. Don't tell him how many extra roles hes got just yet {PJ
  9. Chris makes a great point about using it regularly, Engines don't like sitting around so don't expect it to work after being neglected for long periods. When i had an axillary i used to use it for trolling just so it got a work out. Having an alternative engine is usually a great idea unless it's unreliable and only serves to lull you into a false sense of security Use it or loose it PJ
  10. De-barbed hooks for plaice fishing? do we need barbs for fish that are likely to be deep hooked such as most flatfish? It would make unhooking them quicker and easier and you've got a good chance of catch more fish by getting back in on the spot asap. Twizzle sticks are impressive when in the right hands, shame they do damage,apparently PJ
  11. This is a bit different https://vimeo.com/54174540
  12. I'd like to understand why so many are anti MCZ's, it seems everyone was behind HFW's campaign to reduce discards but totally went against him on the MCZ issue.Why? I understand there has to be a good reason to introduce one and in some cases there has not been sufficient evidence. I understand the point where people are wary of the eco brigade. I understand the commercials are resistant to change and only look at the short term gain/loss I understand why people think its divers trying to get places to themselves But why are so many recreational anglers against the MCZ's? is it just a perceived loss of freedom? unnecessary restrictions and a mistrust of government intentions? PJ
  13. Look what happened to the coal miners- why do commercials think they are so special?
  14. Well if graham can stand up it passes the stability test. Looks good to fly-fish from, whats the frame in front of the seat? could it be a leaning post? PJ
  15. The compound is great value and your engine gets a fresh water flush on each trip. You'll need about 20 mins to get down to the run and allow 2 hours each side of a big tide to get in or out. Don't stray out of the channel and if i were you id get a spare prop, even the most experienced of us get caught out occasionally I'm the Boston whaler next to the slip, say hello if you see me. It will cost you £60 a person the fish the harbor and it's actively balliffed, i got my wrist slapped last week as i had not got mine as yet and i was only practicing my fly-casting-no sign of fish there yet. PJ Only one problem with security over the last 8 or so years
  16. Ordered mine, i reckon we should negotiate either sponsor ship or a discount as we've just put a lot of business their way PJ
  17. Testing Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2
  18. Paul J

    paul Pig

    From the album: Stripers

  19. Here's something i think you'll find useful Worth a play to keep the cabin fever at bay ( could make it worse) while the weather keeps us indoors PJ http://reefmaster.com.au/
  20. Alun, I've sent you a pm PJ
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