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Everything posted by Oli

  1. Morning all. Quick update - fantastic trip over from Poole yesterday morning - marina to Braye harbour in..................... 2hrs25mins!!!!! Reserved a mooring then straight out to the banks where we found Dave Kev and Craig on Reel Magic, fantastic fishing on both boats-on one drift I had 3 turbos on he same fillet of launce one after another! Food and beers and then back to the boat for a good sleep. Another sunny day today - just waiting for the crew to join me and off to find some more! Full report when we get back Oli Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Oli


    Hi Steve and welcome to the club Oli
  3. Thanks Alun - frightened to look in case it changes!
  4. Interesting - I usually save those for lunch but if you say so Rob!
  5. Any tips from the last trip Alun? Anything bait-wise work better than others? Were you using Portland Rigs to about 6ft of fluoro? Franklin Flyers? Thanks Oli
  6. Hi Alun Still planning to go and keeping everything crossed. For us it will be Saturday-Monday as unfortunately can't take Friday off. If we have half as good a trip as you've just had I'll be over the moon! Oli
  7. Nice fishing Peter, bet it was lovely out there
  8. Very nice Nige, would love to catch a bream that size, enormous! What a bonus with the dolphins too, amazing animals.
  9. Great news and well done to the Tigerfish crew! Looking forward to the write up - take lots of photos!
  10. We also found it hard going, started at Ballard then moved to the patch where we had a few wrasse, a hound and a doggie - couldn't see any of the other boats catching either and with it being our first fishing trip of the year went on the hunt for some other species drifting in the swash and the harbour (to no avail!). Ummed and ahhd about heading to Dancing Ledge - wish we had now. Some great fish there - very many congratulations Neal - top job!
  11. Court Jester +crew TBA Kingfisher- Chris, Mal (Alderney trip dependant) Fisheagle-Allan, Dave and Mike Pike. Serenity - tony .peter Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett Wessex Lady - Dave Lynes & Ron Lake(non Member) just chillin - rich and emma Sweet Chariot - Oli, Nick, Tim
  12. Hi Alun As you say, Saturday looks terrible. We're now looking at the bank holiday weekend, leaving early Saturday morning (23rd) and back Monday evening. Oli
  13. Amazing job - what a transformation
  14. Well we'll try and leave some fish for you but I can't promise anything! It's been a few years since we've been, am I right in thinking you have tended to fish the Casquets/South banks rather than the Schoale (I remember when we went last virtually everyone was on the Schoale every day)? Have there been any tope off Speedy Rock the last few times you've been? Any thoughts on a game plan much appreciated!
  15. Hi Alun As in the weekend of the 8th? That's when we are planning, Friday - Sunday. Oli
  16. Top man Charlie, that's an amazing deal, thank you! Keep some space in the fridge!!
  17. Oli

    New to the forum

    Haha don't worry Martin I did keep a close eye on him as we work in the same building. While I'd like to blame him for any abuse dished out over the years but unfortunately he's never posted on my account so I hold my hands up!
  18. Realistically the only time that we can do at the moment with reasonable tides is that weekend of the 24th/25th/26th which unfortunately clashes with the Dinner Dance. We're desperate to get out there though so are going to go for it on that Friday and will hopefully see some of you out there on the Sunday...
  19. Oh crikey sorry I misread the posts. Really keen to get over there but not sure I can take 3 days off as am away (yes Martin for a wedding!) the week after. Will check the calendar!!
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