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Everything posted by Oli

  1. Thanks for that.
  2. Currently we're fuelling up at Parkstone Bay Marina but chatting with Neal yesterday I realised we have no idea if we're paying a fortune or getting a good deal (if there is such a thing on diesel at the moment!). I'm pretty sure we're paying 1.40+ per litre on a pump that apparently has the 60/40 split built in to the price. Does anyone know roughly what the current price at Corrals by the bridge is?
  3. Charlie if you're over banks I favour a Portland rig with about an 8 foot trace to a pearl or blue sidewinder or live joey. If you decide to head to the south IOW banks give me a shout. Cheers Oli
  4. Excellent photo, bet Daiwa could make a great advert with it
  5. Haha I've heard that Rob doesn't even need to leave his house these days - the bass come to him - certainly saves on fuel! Only one thing for it then, the well guarded mid channel bass banks to give me both options. Don't suppose anyone knows exactly where these might be and is willing help a friend in (desperate!) need pleeeease?
  6. You've all got me questioning myself now because I just know I'm going to go 30 miles and have a hard time in the tides on the wrecks and then hear stories of triple hookups of double figure bass! Decisions decisions. If we hadn't had such trouble finding bass last time it would be an easy one...
  7. Haha it was looking ok until you posted!! We'll be on the radio all day, give us a shout
  8. Will do Charlie, you going to head that way?
  9. Well it looks as though there could be some decent weather for the weekend (dare I say it)! After a disastrous bass session a few weeks ago at all of our usual hot spots off the IOW we're hoping to head further offshore this on Saturday, trying for some bass en route to the mid channel wrecks. Pretty big tides for the latter but hopefully we should still find some fish - has anyone been out there lately on the bigger tides? If anyone fancies buddying we're aiming to leave Parkstone Bay Marina at about 8.30am after fuelling up Fingers crossed! Oli & Nick
  10. Both done. Oli & Nick
  11. At the moment it doesn't look like Sweet Chariot will be making the trip either I'm sorry to say. The wind/weather just doesn't look like it'll be nice enough - it's meant to be pleasurable after all! Any plans for an alternate date if it doesn't happen? Oli
  12. Even better now - there's even sunshine!!!
  13. Hi Terry Not sure if you saw my previous post but as we have to leave on the Sunday we sadly won't be around for the dinner. Oli
  14. Happy birthday Tony!!
  15. Sorry for the delay - ours are below. Also with work commitments, we'll be planning to head back on the Sunday - is anyone else considering the same? Oli 1. "AWOL" 3 (Martin, Dean, Kevin) 2. Wight Magic 4 (Dave Gordon Paul Mark ) 3. Alfresco [Charlie , Dan , Gordon M and Nigel] 4. Phaeton (Duncan, Paul F +room for another!!) 5. Serenity 3 (tony,Steve and Paul ) 6. Free boys 2 (Peter, Matt) 7.That bloke from eastbourne who daren't plan anything so the jinx dont have the time to strike. Greg, Terry, Tom. 8. Abode Craig Ashley + Ben.. favourable conditions only. 9. Sweet Chariot II [Nick, Oli, Tim, Duncan] 10. Manta Ray 11. Joint Venture (Bob, Alun, Rob - more than happy to hike up the hill!) 12 Rosie One (John & Dave)
  16. As usual we're keen (weather and wedding dependent!). Fingers crossed it's 3rd time lucky - nothing in the diary yet! 1. "AWOL" 2. Wight Magic 3. Alfresco 4. Phaeton 5. Serenity (recovery dependant) 6. Free boys 7. That bloke from brighton who I will not mention in case of the jinx striking again 8. Abode Craig Ashley + ? favourable conditions only. 9. That bloke from eastbourne who dearn't plan anything so the jinx dont have the time to strike. (may be see 7 above for duplication?) 10. Sweet Chariot II
  17. Oli


    Happy birthday mate! Oli
  18. Date dependent I'm very keen. As before, don't anyone buy any bran for the rubby dubby, I've got a huge sack in the garage I'd be keen to see the back of...
  19. Lovely pictures and report Adam, wish I'd been free!! Next year for sure. Oli
  20. Thanks guys. Have always used either Whiplash or Power Pro and been pleased... This guy seems legit Tom, tonnes of positive feedback. Any idea how you can tell if it's fake - does it just break more easily or something?
  21. Just about to order some braid for a shiny new reel that's hopefully arriving tomorrow and was going to purchase this as it's cheaper in bulk and we'll always have a need for it: Braid on eBay Question is, does the bright yellow colour make a difference? I've always used the standard dark green stuff before but like the look of this (though not at the expense of the few fish we get!). Another thing - do most use 30lb? All of our reels are loaded with 30 for general fishing so by default that's what I was going to order more of.
  22. Massive congrats to you both mate - you must be very chuffed indeed!
  23. Lures that is!!
  24. Was any flavour fishing particularly better than any other during the recent exploits?
  25. Is it just me or do I spy an opportunity in the weather to get out tomorrow? Will anyone else be heading out? I'm thinking offshore to try some wrecks... I feel a trip down the M3 coming
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