Yes Jerry I would use that or probably less if tides were used to there max.
I've been doing some calculations
If you do
14knts @52litres per hour to do 64 miles it would take you 4 hours and use 218 litres
20 knts @ 65litres per hour to do 69 miles it would take you 3 hours and use 195 litres
So if my calcs are right it would pay you to do 20 knots
Am l right? Or have I missed something???????
Come on you retired teachers please check
14knts=16mph x 4 = 64 miles which is
52 litres x 4 = 218
20knts = 23mph x3 =69 miles which is
195 litres x3 = 195 litres
Any thoughts?
I'm sure Rob had a 300hp on Looby before you bought her,might be worth a call to see what fuel he burnt with that on the back.
As a general rule you need a 100hp per ton to get the best performance,l have 245hp and Wishin weighs 2.5 ton.
Had similar issues Mike,I would check fuel filter for sludge and if present throw fuel away or clean it.If ok swop it with other tank filter assembly and if problem moves then new unit