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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. niggle

    Part time job

    Terry wouldn`t be any good for Alun,as he would eat all the profits
  2. niggle

    Garmin repair

    Nice one Paul,never heard of them before just googled them and seems like a good contact.
  3. Same week best 4 days
  4. Alun of course they've nearly gone...............you caught them all
  5. Nuts just checked the dates,I'll be in Weymouth that week.
  6. Charlie.....100lb congers bagsy a crew space....pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. Right got work covered for the whole week starting the 9th,not sure what to do,crew,take mine or have been offered to go on Shogun ? Would really like to take mine.........help...help can't make up my mind,don't want to waste a week off as it's not flexible...... Nige
  8. Don't know what you're on about looks OK to me
  9. Cracking report as always Nige PS BA is that summerzet ? sorry but Im a thickey
  10. Saturday i found my hds was jumping all over the place once id found a wreck and tried to work out the drift or anchoring position,so bad that i ended up relying on my backup plotter which was stable.Had a word with Matt at MES asking if i needed a external aerial thinking it would have a better refresh rate,but he said that it should be fine and to do a ......HARD RESET.....which should settle it down Hold.....zoom in and zoom out whilst power is off Then press and hold Power so .....all 3 buttons are pressed KEEP HELD until language selection appears Master reset for HDS plotters.....possibly due to latest update To be safe BACK UP MARKS and WAYPOINTS you have Hope this helps others as well Nige
  11. Trev the pull of the deep might tempt me,if I go early enough for the ebb
  12. Oh if I have too! Might have one last try for a flippin flounder,Mr Fish Jones makes it look so easy
  13. niggle


    Yes when they are back home
  14. Trev not looking for a book Pm me spec mate,and I'll put it to my lads ...cheers Been looking at the APAD's. Small memory which possibly can be expanded with sd/memory stick @
  15. Jim, the one that went up in smoke has done in the hard drive.......minimum The other....discs lost.......a bit like her really
  16. Due to wifey and my youngest son totally wrecking their laptops,one with a million trojons,the other went up in smoke due to cat hair in vent I was wondering if any members had a late laptop for sale. Don't mean to be fussy But must be fast operating if not will put in for repair if possible Cheers Nige
  17. Brand new alloy Mercury RH 14 x 20p four bladed prop with new hub kit in box.To fit mercruiser alpha one leg.
  18. niggle


    Dave, Adam has a 5kg Bruce that I put my name too,which he still has...
  19. Steve,Bournemouth Batteries have moped/motorbike 12v batteries about
  20. I'll have a look prob have them if nobody else does Nige
  21. All the best on youre BIGGY Nige
  22. All the best Mark
  23. All the best Martin,have a great day.......day off? A meal with the family? Oh and a drop of vino
  24. All the best have a great day
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