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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by niggle

  1. When I checked Monday was the fisher mans hate..........easterlies ? Hope Alun leaves us some for Sunday
  2. ) Adam F - JV 2) Graham - Little Sal (with Sprinter as crew) 3) Martin, Dean, Terry Bartell "AWOL" 4) Paul F - Imagine 5)Nigel,Mike-Wishin
  3. niggle


    Orangedude :lol:Hi Pete it's been a year mate.Thought you'd been held captive at that girls school
  4. I'll have the Bruce please
  5. niggle

    Cod Hooks

    I use sakuma 545 6/0,I don't like the thin wire hooks as they can easily tear out,our skipper on cod comp also agrees.Also let the bite develop,we are all guilty of being to keen and I only normally use two or three squid or a cuttlefish and a squid or two on the end,leave reel on ratchet and when you get a cod bite give a little line if it doesn't rip it off itself. Not trying to tell you how to suck eggs just the way I do it Nige P.S if you do miss a few try putting a twist on the hook to offset the point and barb
  6. I can understand that Tom,some 30ft between high and low
  7. I want to go next year,not sure on mine or crew?Will wait until a firm dates are posted( weather dependent) Tom please stop confusing everybody and when plan A and plan B dates are decided . Nige
  8. niggle


    Wish I was but the bed warmer reckons I've been out a lot lately? I haven't because work gets in the way So a weekend with no fishing I'll have to save all my energy for the club cod comp if the wind let's us play Nige
  9. Naf..........that sums up our day. Restricted to the Solent again and weed was a real pain,drop down and straight away we watched the weed hit our lines and drag our leads.So pulling up a 2lb lead with the same amount of weed every 10mins gets very tedious.Only one cod on the boat today,I only managed pout and half a dozen whiting,Neal and John pout. I did enjoy the two days off work and fishing and will do it again. Would of liked to of done better and tried my hardest ,maybe next year? Nige
  10. In our team we managed just one fish from John,Neals mate only a small one right on lines up.A load of boats didn't get any at all. Hopefully a better day tomorrow as today was slow to say the least Nige
  11. Tom hit his head? Couldn't be the roof above his head? Unless Greg,He was stood on the seat!
  12. Greg by..........my seat.......I was implying I will crew,see if we can put you on the fish
  13. niggle

    Blood transfusion

    Last week I had to have a blood transfusion But they only had 4pints of African blood and 4 pints of Pakistani blood,they done the transfusion anyway. Trouble is I've had side effects................All I want to eat is curries and got this burning passion to buy a corner shop oooooooooh and a 12inch dick
  14. Greg would be great to have down this way,you never know you might even go fishing You won't have a problem with crew mate,as long as they don't sit in my seat All the best and here's hoping you make it. Nige
  15. niggle


    All the best birthday boy
  16. Ok no more pops at PJ,it's knot nice he's a really great guy and I hope he's knot taking it the wrong way
  17. Just looked In Decembers total sea fishing and nice bit about the lads in Poole harbour,I can identify Mark(zippy) and I think PJ ,without his glasses on(probably why his hook knots fail) Well done to all involved
  18. Graham it was the foreign boasts landing fish,that was the point they were making
  19. Just watched it,and the mackerel haven't a chance one,just one processing plant in Scotland can and does process 800tons a day.Unfortunately I had a phone call so missed some,probably just as well,I find it short sighted.....
  20. Same with all marinas there is the open sea!
  21. See you tomorrow Paul,be. Interesting to see how this side fairs for you
  22. niggle

    Old Sailor

    When I was younger my granny caught me playing with myself.She was so shocked she had a stroke. Such lovely,soft hands for a 90 year old!
  23. niggle

    Old Sailor

  24. I`ll need the wind to be OK early on Sunday
  25. Bill ,bait etc on the day as it will be weather dependent Fingers crossed but due to coming out of Lymington theres normally shelter somewhere if it does blow up Nige
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